Tag Archive 'D.C.'

What’s Good Enough for Fallujah Is Good Enough For DC

One of the strongest arguments against current COIN doctrine has been made by the anonymous blogger Fabius Maximus—namely, that if we are so great at engineering societies we can write a slim manual about it, why haven’t we done so in our inner cities? He points out today that we’re now trying exactly that.
Under an [...]

It Couldn’t Happen To A Nicer Tyrant

I’m sure you are all well informed on the Spitzer chronicles by now. If not, crawl through the Memeorandum links to inform yourself (get a cup of coffee or other preferred beverage, because it will take awhile). I just wanted to point to some highlights.
(1) Radley Balko: Schadenfreude — “May your fall [...]

Anti-FARC March in D.C.

John Lilyea has the goods:
So I decided to add my voice to the millions worldwide from here in DC.
I was really surprised that an ad hoc organization put together such a large demonstration in such a short period of time.

More at Gateway Pundit.
UPDATE: Commenter logtar supplies a link to pictures of anti-FARC rallies from [...]

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