“Frankly, I joined the military to fight against people who torture”

LTC John Nagl, who literally wrote the book on counterinsurgency (FM 3-24, used with great fanfare in lowering the levels of violence in Iraq over the past year), reacts in horror at the high number of military officers who disagreed with the statement, “Torture is never acceptable.”

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2 Responses to ““Frankly, I joined the military to fight against people who torture””

  1. on 11 Mar 2008 at 7:37 pm Synova

    It’s an absolute statement. I would have to disagree with it, too, while I’d agree with a whole lot of other very similar but less absolute statements. Absolute statements are almost always wrong.

    Whatever happened to nuance?

  2. on 11 Mar 2008 at 7:41 pm Synova

    And I’d suspect that the high number of military officers who disagreed with that statement also joined the military to fight against people who torture and wonder why no one seems to care like they do that the people we are fighting publish books on how to torture, to saw off heads, who hide behind children and women, who still operate (because we still find and destroy them) torture houses with electric setups and blood on the walls. Or seem to care that our people would probably shoot their best friend before they allowed a fellow soldier to be captured alive… for good reason.

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