Republican credibility?

Lost so very badly. I pretty much feel the same way as Glenn Reynolds does on the immigration bill:

SAXBY CHAMBLISS was booed at a GOP convention over the immigration bill. The big problem for the GOP leadership is that they’ve lost their credibility. And they still don’t understand it. This was clear a year ago when we talked to then-GOP chair Ken Mehlman, and it’s much, much truer now. As a reader emails: “No credibility to fall back on. No reserve of good will to fall back on. No record to fall back on. No successes to fall back on.”

And as Dan Riehl said earlier this week, Republicans were given a wakeup call with the 2006 elections, and they opted to hit snooze.

I still don’t know enough to know if the bill is good or bad. But if the bill is actually a good bill that the GOP base would accept if they read it . . . then that’s an even bigger indictment of the GOP leadership for failing to sell it. At this point, they’ve either mis-sold a good bill, or produced a bad one.

What a bunch of fools. It is sad our political class is such a cynical bunch of power seekers and panderers, it is pathetic that they are so bad at it.

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2 Responses to “Republican credibility?”

  1. on 21 May 2007 at 4:31 pm Bret G

    On the next business day after Adolph Bush signs that abomination into law we need to sue the US Government.

    I already heard that the twelve million criminals will not be required to pay back taxes. Where is my tax amnesty? Everyday lawful Americans slave to finance a socialist monster know as the Federal Government. This is a slap in our face.

    I say sue the Federal Government in every court of the land that it has violated our fourteenth amendment rights.

    Adolph Bush as even signed an agreement with Mexico guaranteeing that these twelve-million criminals be credited for past Social Security payments. These criminals break the law and then entitled to raid the public treasury. Sue the Federal Government for violating the RICO act. The federal government is engaged in criminal activity. Criminals should not be allowed to profit from criminal behavior.

    Even as Adolph Bush plans a giant Social Security give away to criminals he plans to cheat lawful Americans of their due.

    From a Bush régime report on the 2006 budget:

    “By comparison, SOSI reports net present value expenditures of $44,147 billion in net social insurance responsibilities. 2 The net social insurance responsibilities (scheduled benefits in excess of estimated revenues) indicate that those programs are on an unsustainable fiscal path and difficult choices will be necessary in order to address their large and growing long-term fiscal imbalance. Delay is costly and choices will be more difficult as the retirement of the ‘baby boom’ gets closer to becoming a reality
    with the first wave of boomers eligible for retirement under Social Security in 2008.”

  2. on 21 May 2007 at 8:11 pm ChrisB

    Adolph Bush

    Who? What are you talking about?

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