Tag Archive 'Texas'

Greatest Judicial Opinion of Our Time

This has to be seen by all judicial and college football fans. I’m not sure what the original complaint was, but the opinion is great. Pay special attention to the footnotes to learn that it is the official opinion of the U.S. Judicial system that the “Game of the Century” for this century is the [...]

Food Porn

If any of you were wondering how BBQ is done down in Texas, check out this Brisket Pictorial that will no doubt leave you craving some good Q. Here’s what we start with,

He messes up the cabbage a little, but it still came out alright. Finished product after the jump.

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In Absolut Mockery

Many of you may have seen the Absolut Vodka ad that ran in a Mexican magazine recently in links around the blogosphere. Now the mocking has begun as well. I submit this more historically accurate version of their ad.

While California, Arizona, New Mexico and the rest of the green land may have been [...]

An Argument Against Public Education

Via Glenn Reynolds, Wired posts an article describing the fight to include evolution in the science curriculum for students in Florida and Texas:
Charles Darwin was born 199 years ago Tuesday, but the debate he ignited about the origins of species rages on. Florida’s department of education will vote next week on a new science curriculum [...]

Ronpaul’s Millions

One of the sadder aspects of Ronpaul’s candidacy is how many people (who can barely afford to do so), have been convinced to give well over their means to his campaign. My friend Jason has a co-worker who he believes took out a second mortgage solely to give more money to Ronpaul, convinced that he [...]

Sharia Law Enforced in Texas!

Well, kinda. After the whole row over the Archbishop of Canterbury’s declaration that Sharia Law in Britain is “unavoidable“, Eugene Volokh notes that it has been allowed in some US court, in a way. It seems some parties entered into a contract that provided for arbitration based off of rules of sharia law, and the [...]

Hanging Out in the TMC

Yeah, that’s me after a few too many cocktails in the hotel lounge. As Lance related, I’m in Houston in the Texas Medical Center (TMC) visiting my father who recently had an internal defibrillator put on his heart. The surgery went remarkably well and he seems more lively than when he went under the knife [...]

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