Tag Archive 'religion'

A Retreating Periphery

(photo: Mani Babbar)
After 9/11 widened Al Qaeda’s ambitious war against most of the world, Osama bin Laden described his own axis-o-evil as being composed of “Crusaders, Zionists and Hindus.” But at some point, without anyone much noticing, that seems to have changed for Hindus.

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Exit Trinity. Exit Church.

Well, Mr. Obama has finally quit that ludicrous Chicago institution known as Trinity United Church of Christ. His membership had survived Rev. Wright, but was ultimately done in over the visiting Rev. Michael Pfleger’s bizarre self-hating white guilt trip, and radicalized political rally in sacred masquerade.
Having seen the deranged, obscenely ideological sermons of Wright and [...]

Retreat to the Fringe

Social conservatives and particularly crypto-socialist social conservatives (or “populists” if you prefer), are inevitably going to be a minority faction within the GOP. But to their great credit they themselves recognize this. The implications of that self-awareness are dire for Huckabee however.
Because their interests and perspectives are in many ways peculiar to themselves within the [...]

Huckabee FTW?

Exit poll data in South Carolina suggests there’s a big turnout from “white evangelical and born-again Christians.” Uh-oh.

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Huckabee’s New Constitutional Order

Add another unsettling dimension to Mike Huckabee’s rather bizarre views on the Constitution: he apparently subscribes to the judicial pragmatist interpretation of a Living Constitution. Imagine the notion of an open constitution into which you can read any unwritten right, although this time not practiced by social liberals (as we’ve grown accustomed to), but instead [...]

God’s Own Constitution

Video clip of Mike Huckabee arguing that “what we need to do is to amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards.” Hmm. Is that really in accord with anyone’s notion of Founders intent? I know committed social conservatives who do not share such a false and extreme view of the Constitution. Aside from that, [...]

Liberation Theology Takes a Hit

Here’s some splendid news for those of us not delighted by the prospect of a liberation theologist takeover of the Republican Party. Rasmussen is reporting their new South Carolina numbers and Mike Huckabee has lost five points and Fred Thompson gained four since last week. Thompson now stands at 16%, Huckabee at 19%, with [...]

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