Tag Archive 'media bias'

The Wright Stuff

I haven’t had much time to grace the pages of ASHC lately, but I was skimming through Memeorandum and just couldn’t resist saying something about this little screed:
Wright issue will haunt conservative media elite
By Roland S. Martin
CNN Contributor
Now that Sen. Barack Obama has denounced his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, many of his critics, [...]

Glenn Beck Pwns Media Matters, Et Al.

Copious Dissent has the goods. And they are pretty good. (Video at link).

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Helping The NYT Find Media Bias

Story here [via: Instapundit]
After reading the story, you will probably need a new one of these:

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addthis_title = ‘Helping+The+NYT+Find+Media+Bias’;
addthis_pub = ”;

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Politics and the “Hero-Victim”

Remarking on how the media narrative tends to frame stories, I once wrote:
An interesting side effect of this framework is the emergence of the hero-victim — e.g. a martyr for her cause, or the modern equivalent of a noble savage who speaks truth to power. No longer are there heroes who save lives and attempt [...]

Parade of Fools

Behold the band of idiots.
JENA, La. (Jan. 21) - The residents of this central Louisiana town, who watched their community turn into a battleground over the “Jena Six,” will watch out-of-towners doing most of the marching on the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.
The Nationalist Movement, a white supremacist group headquartered in Learned, Miss., planned [...]

Grinchwald’s Stocking Stuffer

It shouldn’t surprise me the lengths that Greenwald will go to distort what people say in order to lambaste his enemies, but his Christmas offering really takes the figgy pudding.

Mike Huckabee’s Christmas ad — like everything Huckabee does — provoked all sorts of vehement, angry, un-Christmas-like attacks from Republican pundits. The GOP establishment almost uniformly [...]