Tag Archive 'India'

A Retreating Periphery

(photo: Mani Babbar)
After 9/11 widened Al Qaeda’s ambitious war against most of the world, Osama bin Laden described his own axis-o-evil as being composed of “Crusaders, Zionists and Hindus.” But at some point, without anyone much noticing, that seems to have changed for Hindus.

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African wages, high and sticky?

Hat tip: Tyler.
Chris Blattman has a conjecture, possibly high wages in Africa are holding back growth:
One thing that has always struck me in the African countries I have worked is that the real wages (i.e. wages adjusted for the cost of living) of African formal sector workers seem to be incredibly high, at least compared [...]

Labour regulations in China and India: Economic Freedom in Relief

This is a stunning statistic:
…the annual expansion in China’s trade has been larger than India’s total annual trade during last several years.
Tyler Cowen hones in on this point, amongst a bounty of good points:
The most important factor that still holds back large [Indian] firms from entering these products is a set of draconian labour laws [...]

Censors in the Subcontinent

GamePolitics has an interesting story about a plan in the Indian parliament to ban violent video games. A pity, as I was just reading in Businessweek about the fantastic growth of the Indian gaming market. But that’s a bit of an old story: If you see consumer demand, regulate or prohibit supply. The result of [...]

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