Tag Archive 'conservatives'

Exit Trinity. Exit Church.

Well, Mr. Obama has finally quit that ludicrous Chicago institution known as Trinity United Church of Christ. His membership had survived Rev. Wright, but was ultimately done in over the visiting Rev. Michael Pfleger’s bizarre self-hating white guilt trip, and radicalized political rally in sacred masquerade.
Having seen the deranged, obscenely ideological sermons of Wright and [...]

Beneath the Surface

Most people believe that liberals and Democrats are more sympathetic to gay interests than conservatives and Republicans. Count me among those who think this is accurate.
But, not all is what it seems on the surface.
Some Republicans - some very high up - can and have expressed support for those in the gay community.
Allow the [...]

GK Chesterton

The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected.
-GK Chesterton

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Sphere: Related [...]

John McCain at CPAC

McCain should be up any minute now…
3:07PM Special Guest Sen. George Allen from VA is up now.
- I’m a commonsense, Jeffersonian conservative.
- Preeminent role of President is Commander in Chief. And John McCain would be the best of the remaining candidates in that role.
- tenacious in stopping wasteful spending
- good fiscal conservative
- [...]

A Candidate Without A War

Is the Iraq War hurting John McCain’s candidacy? By “hurting” I’m referring to his struggle to be the true conservative candidate who unites the party. Despite his clear lead in the primary race, McCain has not been able to capture the Christian right (who predominantly go for Huckabee), nor has he been able [...]

The Lonely Candidate

Byron York has a fairly instructive anecdote from South Carolina on Fred Thompson:
Last night I talked with Cyndi Mosteller, a strong social conservative who headed the Charleston County Republican Party from 2003 to 2007 and who supports McCain. When I asked about Thompson, she said. “He was the most anticipated candidate that I [...]

The Triumph of the Laity

The Huckabee campaign staff is bitter and suspicious (as usual). They’re blaming Fred Thompson’s 16% showing in South Carolina for ruining their efforts to flood the vote with a social-conservative surge.
The surge was nevertheless impressive when it came, in both its quantity and in its fantastically unrepresentative uniformity. Fully 83 percent of Huckabee’s voters [...]

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