Tag Archive 'Colombia'

Because Aren’t All Insurgencies the Same?

Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal is a frustrating columnist. In April he made the head scratching argument that Khost province in Afghanistan, which has, along with the rest of RC-East, experienced a 36% jump in insurgent attacks over last year, was really on the verge of victory and only John Kerry says otherwise.
Today [...]

Chavez Threatens Colombia Because He Finances Terrorism

McQ alerts us to this developing story in South America.
Colombia, apparently, struck at a narco-terrorist camp inside Ecuador after tracking FARC spokesman Paul Reyes and other leaders there. Reyes and 16 other terrorists were killed.
Chavez reacted by sending troops to the Venezuela/Colombia border:
Now you might ask why Chavez would involve himself in this conflict that [...]

A Boy and His Hero

You don’t have to be Colombian for this beautiful advertisement to touch your heart.

addthis_url = ‘http%3A%2F%2Fasecondhandconjecture.com%2Findex.php%2F2008%2F02%2F17%2Fa-boy-and-his-hero%2F’;
addthis_title = ‘A+Boy+and+His+Hero’;
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Anti-FARC March in D.C.

John Lilyea has the goods:
So I decided to add my voice to the millions worldwide from here in DC.
I was really surprised that an ad hoc organization put together such a large demonstration in such a short period of time.

More at Gateway Pundit.
UPDATE: Commenter logtar supplies a link to pictures of anti-FARC rallies from [...]


Venezuelans not fond of Hugo Chavez’s new found affinity for narcoterrorism, are planning street marches in Caracas and Maracaibo to explicitly reject FARC and their murderous barbarism. This is an enormously heartening sign of genuinely worthwhile international solidarity, unlike the vile and dictatorial version Hugo likes to promote. Details in English from Kate at A [...]

Terrorists by Any Name

JammieWearingFool hilariously points out that Hugo Chavez’s recent appeal to the world to refer to the FARC as “insurgents,” rather than terrorists, is off to a smashing start. It only took Reuters four paragraphs into the story before they began to comply.

addthis_url = ‘http%3A%2F%2Fasecondhandconjecture.com%2Findex.php%2F2008%2F01%2F13%2Fterrorists-by-any-name%2F’;
addthis_title = ‘Terrorists+by+Any+Name’;

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