Vote For Obama Or You Will Make Little Girls Cry

That’s what I took from Michelle Obama’s stump speech anyway (HT: Jim Lindgren):

She tells the story of a ten-year-old girl she met in Newberry, S.C., before that state’s primary. “It was in a little beauty shop, and we were having a rally — it was me and a bunch of women and a couple of brothers,” she recalls. After the rally, the girl came up to her and said, with great seriousness, “Do you realize when your husband becomes the next president of the United States, it will be historical?”

Everybody laughs; what a cute thing for a child to say. But then Obama asked the little girl what that would mean for her. “It means that I can imagine anything for myself,” the girl said.

The crowd begins to applaud; they think they’re hearing a happy, inspiring story. But that’s not where Mrs. Obama is going.

“And then that little girl started to break down in tears,” she continues. “She sobbed so hard. She was crying big, huge tears. And I had to think, why is this little girl crying so hard? And I thought, you know what’s going on? This little old girl gets it.”

There’s some stuff about how frustrated we all are and bar raising as well (although I think she meant “goal post shifting”). Oh, and there’s a little girl in all of us — who will allegedly cry if Barack Obama isn’t elected. That may explain Barack’s bowling scores.

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5 Responses to “Vote For Obama Or You Will Make Little Girls Cry”

  1. on 07 May 2008 at 12:50 am Roland Dodds

    Michelle Obama has been on a roll lately with the bullshit arguments.

    When Obama takes the nomination, he is going to have to get his wife to sound less asinine. At least until January; then she can be the most angry, privileged, millionaire First Lady in history.

  2. on 07 May 2008 at 12:51 am Roland Dodds

    …the angriest First Lady from privilege that is.  

  3. on 07 May 2008 at 8:06 am MichaelW

    Michelle Obama is in danger of making Teresa Heinz-Kerry look like a classy lady.  Given the general malaise among the electorate when it comes to this Fall’s choices, however, it’s hard to say if she will hurt Barack’s candidacy as much as Teresa hurt Kerry’s.

  4. on 07 May 2008 at 12:31 pm synova

    Probably what was “going on” was stress and nervousness and then being upset about crying in the first place.
    But I’m a girl, what do I know.

  5. on 13 May 2008 at 6:55 pm Incognito

    If Obama doesn’t get elected there’s going to be a lot more than little girls crying.  Should be very interesting.

    If he does win, it will make this big girl, howl.  I’ll be called a racist for that, but I am not, nor ever have been one.

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