The Matter with Kansas

God's Light
photo: Foxicat

Looks like the liberation theologist won the Kansas caucuses with a substantial 67% of the vote. Earlier today at CPAC, Huckabee had suggested that miraculous intervention by the Almighty would eventually deliver him the GOP nomination. You have to take that as literal belief when it comes to Huckabee. He also pledged to remain in the race. Something that wasn’t altogether well received by CPAC, as Sharon Soon recounts: “Half the crowd gets on their feet, holding up ‘I Like Mike’ signs that were placed on every chair before his speech. Notably, though, there were many scattered in the audience who refused to stand or even clap.” Good for them.

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One Response to “The Matter with Kansas”

  1. on 09 Feb 2008 at 6:30 pm Synova

    I got an email from my sister passing on an email from Huckabee on how he could still win. I suppose I should have read it.

    But what I told my mother when she first told me my sister was for Huckabee is still true. “He’s not Republican.” (I’m not either, but there you go.)

    It seems clear, however, that there are a lot of social-con economic-liberals in the Republican party. They’d probably be Democrat if it weren’t for abortion in particular along with moral relativity and license. Huckabee is their guy.

    He’s not mine.

    I’m probably as much of a social-con as it’s possible to be, except that I’m a social-con through a libertarian filter. With the exception of abortion, which I feel most certainly counts as harming another person, I figure that it’s not the proper role of government to try to cure our social and moral ills. In fact, I’m inclined to think that we are morally spineless in large part because we expect someone else (the State) to be moral for us.

    And I am certainly an economic-conservative. A capitalist.

    So Huckabee is not my guy and isn’t going to be my guy and getting an email from my sister isn’t going to make me think that maybe he was my guy after all.

    I can see why the people who like him, like him though. In a way he’s a bit like Obama.

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