What do you know? It’s another girl!
Lance on Jan 26 2008 at 8:01 am | Filed under: Lance's Page
(Written last Sunday)
My wife and I are celebrating. She has broken out her Julia Child cookbook, and we have made ourselves a fantastic meal of Ratatouille and Pièce de Boeuf Braisée. We will have some red wine and top it off with another taste of the Green Fairy’s charms. I think my wife and I have a new tradition when it comes to this topic.
When Michael, Keith and I went co-blogger hunting the Thursday before last, we identified six people we wanted to invite. We expected no more than two or three to accept. Surprisingly only one turned us down, he had just accepted someone else’s invitation a few weeks before. One however, we hadn’t heard back from, and it is with great satisfaction and excitement I introduce you to the last of the six, and and our newest blogmate, Synova.
You can read her personal blog here.
Our second girl! We couldn’t be happier.
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Was wondering when you were gonna post this. Saw it saved as a draft for over a week.
Synova needed time to prepare.
Technology hates me. Also, I had no pictures. ;-)
well looks like it turned out alright. With a comic book background no less!