According to Talk Left, anyhow.

It seems that conditions have deteriorated so badly that a large number of inmates have begun a hunger strike.   They are dragged forcefully from their cells, strapped to chairs for hours to be force fed, and then beaten.

The comments are sort of a fun read.

Because you’ll notice what I said up there…  the hunger strike is a response to the deteriorating conditions?

I don’t think I’m particularly brilliant.   I don’t think that I have particular insight.   But it seems obvious to me that the reason for a mass hunger strike *now* is that the inmates at Gitmo sense weakness… or at least they are testing for it.    A hunger strike just about guarentees that anyone who doesn’t respond with “let them die” is going to assume (like the commentators at Talk Left) that there are legitimate grievences… that the hunger strikers are in the right.

But that isn’t so.    They are doing it *now* because they think it possible that our new president can be manipulated by the public opinion that will follow.

The only question is… are they right?

h/t Instapundit

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