Personally I think we have been negative since November. Given the large positive number in the third quarter, the barely above break even number in the fourth quarter virtually guarantees that the economy went negative sometime in November and December. However, if we are not, it is highly likely coming. Here is a graphic which should put it in perspective. From Moody’s we get this look at freight (Click to enlarge)

That is a pretty stunning collapse. Few things correlate with economic activity more than freight, and for rather obvious reasons.
While I have been very negative on the economy shorter term for some time, I will say I doubt this will be a particularly deep recession. On the other hand, I also expect it to be rather drawn out. Obviously I could easily be wrong on both counts.
I will repeat what I have said over and over, in a probabilistic world we cannot know the future, but we can say that the risks are rather high and we should all consider lowering the amount of risk we face. That means more cash in our savings accounts, more defense in your portfolios (if you are going to take risk, make it risk that doesn’t correlate with US financial markets) and reducing debt.
With both financial markets and housing prices I would be wary. Your situation may differ, but I keep hearing people say things must be attractive at this point. Housing is a much better deal than it was, etc.
That is exactly right, but I suspect that this also likely holds true. It is approximately 4 1/2 hours from Baton Rouge to Shreveport. Alexandria lies halfway between. When my children ask me how far we still have to go, while I undoubtedly have far less distance to go than when I started, I still have just as far to drive as I have already driven.
In many areas of the financial markets and housing things may be less expensive than they were, but they are still way too expensive and there is a lot more bad news coming down the pike.
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