Tag Archive 'gender'

A New Age of Female Masturbation

Lesbian feminist Lily Tomlin once joked that the only reason cretinous men walked upright was to free their hands for masturbation. Fair enough, but the posture of the lady might soon lack for any better purpose. According to a new survey, 92% of British women between 18-30 now masturbate regularly. That’s up from 62% in 1953. And regularity is the key word. Today 2/3rds of British women masturbate more than four times a week. That’s quite a lot.

I suppose you could interpret these results as further evidence of a liberated femininity and/or behavioral equilibration between the genders. Or of course if you’re a social conservative sexually repressed prude, you could lament the finding as evidence of the corrosion of internal moral self-restraint.

But one might also suggest that it is an adaptive reaction to a newly hyper-sexualized external society. As Westerners we’ve already voted to live in a constitutionally protected, sexually intoxicated media environment. One which is thoroughly permeated with permissive sexual suggestion at almost all levels. Men and women are being bombarded with sexually stimulating media on a permanent basis, even for the purpose of advertising something as unstimulating as cheeseburgers. Living in this environment could only be expected to enhance the collective desire on the part of people, to achieve sexual gratification more frequently. One might even suggest that immersion in this environment mandates it for a young and largely unmarried demographic group.

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Playmates during crisis

Does the object of our desire tend to change during tough times?

Yes, according to this paper on men’s preferences when it comes to Playboy’s models:

Consistent with Environmental Security Hypothesis predictions, when social and economic conditions were difficult, older, heavier, taller Playboy Playmates of the Year with larger waists, smaller eyes, larger waist-to-hip ratios, smaller bust-to-waist ratios, and smaller body mass index values were selected. These results suggest that environmental security may influence perceptions and preferences for women with certain body and facial features.

For those wishing to do their own analysis you can download the data here. Tyler Cowen notes that the hypothesis is not fully supported by 2008’s selection.

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ASHC is Alan Finch Central

Alan Finch, Helen Finch, Alan Finch
Alan Finch, Helen Finch, Alan Finch the Revenge

Looking over our logs, it’s incredible how much global traffic we get from people searching for information on Alan Finch (August’s #1 ASHC keyword and a top-30 quantity since February). Perhaps a little odd for a blog that tends to focus on American party politics, economic theory and international affairs.

To recap you, Alan is an Australian man who had a double sex-change (first from male to female and then from female to male). He was the subject of a very brief AtW post by myself in February, and thereafter became the source of all this traffic.


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The Art of Trying too Hard

(photo: dgeuzen)

John Riley at Newsday is criticizing John McCain’s “” ad on the grounds that “anyone knows” Britney Spears and Paris Hilton just aren’t celebrity enough. Points for novelty at least.

To reinforce his argument, he cites the Forbes Celebrity 100 as proof positive of this. Where are they in the list Mr. McCain? Not there! Tsk. Clearly they’re not celebrities.

Ah, but if that wasn’t enough for you, Riley isn’t yet finished. Reaching deeper into whatever depths the above point came from, he detects a sinister gender and racial subtext informing ad:

[T]hey didn’t pick other big celebrities, who were either men, or black, or married. What they picked was two sexually available white women.

But it must have been a coincidence, because we know John McCain wants to run an elevated campaign focusing on the serious issues that America faces.

You know, it’s honestly hard to imagine typing something that ludicrous. I’ve typed plenty of bad analysis in my time, don’t get me wrong. But this is cringe inducing.

If you’re against the McCain campaign or even just its marketing strategy, is it really so difficult (or far from the truth) to dismiss the ad as empty, trite, and needlessly cheapening of a very serious debate? By elevating a frankly rather irrelevant ad to the level of a harmful racist conspiracy, Mr. Riley’s only reducing himself far below it.

Nietzsche’s injunction that one should be careful not to become a monster when fighting one, might be shrunken here. One should be careful not to become a very petty mouse, when fighting mice.

(H/T: Blake Hounshell | Foreign Policy)

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Errors in Modern Gender

Alan Finch

Meet Alan Finch (). Alan became Helen Finch at 21, through sexual reassignment surgery…and then became Alan again when he was thirty. As you can see above, the results of his original surgery were extraordinarily effective. But Alan has decided he was misdiagnosed as suffering from gender identity disorder, and is now suing the clinic that treated him for “surgically mutilating” him. Alan claims what he needed instead was simple psychotherapy. While a tragic predicament, it’s abhorrent that someone should seek to punish physicians for what was clearly an unforced free choice in a free society. Plus…I do get the nagging feeling in looking at Alan’s photographs, that we may be hearing from him again in ten years, suing his psychotherapist.

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Hillary & Identity Politics

In expressing consternation that women on the Left could support Hillary Clinton solely on grounds of her gender, Bookworm notes that identity politics –the idea that a person’s innate factional qualities (race, gender, ethnicity, etc) confer immutable political values– is a pretty plainly fascist modality of thought.

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