Tag Archive 'Feminism'

A New Age of Female Masturbation

Lesbian feminist Lily Tomlin once joked that the only reason cretinous men walked upright was to free their hands for masturbation. Fair enough, but the posture of the lady might soon lack for any better purpose. According to a new survey, 92% of British women between 18-30 now masturbate regularly. That’s up from 62% in 1953. And regularity is the key word. Today 2/3rds of British women masturbate more than four times a week. That’s quite a lot.

I suppose you could interpret these results as further evidence of a liberated femininity and/or behavioral equilibration between the genders. Or of course if you’re a social conservative sexually repressed prude, you could lament the finding as evidence of the corrosion of internal moral self-restraint.

But one might also suggest that it is an adaptive reaction to a newly hyper-sexualized external society. As Westerners we’ve already voted to live in a constitutionally protected, sexually intoxicated media environment. One which is thoroughly permeated with permissive sexual suggestion at almost all levels. Men and women are being bombarded with sexually stimulating media on a permanent basis, even for the purpose of advertising something as unstimulating as cheeseburgers. Living in this environment could only be expected to enhance the collective desire on the part of people, to achieve sexual gratification more frequently. One might even suggest that immersion in this environment mandates it for a young and largely unmarried demographic group.

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Changing Themes in the GOP

Had the radio on driving to get coffee. Rush Limbaugh was denouncing sexism and patriarchal privilege. McCain ad comes on pitching expanding embryonic stem cell research. Boy, haven’t things changed in the Republican party? For the better, says me.

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Women’s Studies Unconstitutional

Stop the ACLU
“A man who is already crusading against ladies’ nights in bars has sued Columbia University, saying its women’s studies program is unconstitutional.”

“Maybe the whole absurd carousel of identity politics will turn full circle,
and one day an unqualified mulatto will expect us to vote for him because he’s
part white.”

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Pondering Feminism in Sana’a

Over at Jezebel, my friend Moe scored a great interview with Sarah, an American woman who relocated to Yemen to work at a newspaper there.

No talking in the street, no laughing…what if you just went into the middle of the street and laid a really loud fart? Do you get caned for laughing, like in Singapore for graffiti?

Well, if you were Yemeni, your whole family would probably disown you because you disgraced them or some like bullsh*t. I have to go though, I’m meeting a friend for dinner and women aren’t supposed to be out after sunset. But it will cost less than two dollars!

Somehow, much like their much-missed series That’s So Janes (which interviewed me on Central Asia sometime last year, and Michael Totten—at my suggestion, I feel I should add—a few weeks after that), it’s goofy and funny and still informative.

Even more interesting: in the comments, Moe gets slammed for part of her last question, of which there were two relevant parts—can Islam be saved, and will she help al Qaeda blow up fashion magazines. These are clearly meant to be half-serious (especially the big about fashion magazines, given Jezebel’s beat), but readers really focused in on the Islam question. Which doesn’t make sense: many Islamic scholars are in fact debating the role of Islam in the modern world, and whether they can be reconciled. And I’m almost certain that’s what Moe meant.

Ahh, well. It’s funsies I guess to be over-sensitive to these sorts of questions nowadays. I wonder what Sarah’s relationship is to Jane Novak, another well-known Yemen blogger-journalist?

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Sex Change Anyone?

Cry After reading this, boy; do I want to disown being a woman or what? (Warning; do have an air sickness bag nearby prior to clicking on the link!)

Looking at the choices, we began, by rote, to reach up toward the candidate we liked the most, or respected most deeply, or felt was the most competent, or had settled on as the lesser of two evils.

And then, our hands stretched out, we froze. We realized, in a moment of quiet joy – we could vote for a woman.

Someone like us. A woman as equally derided as loved, yes. A woman full of flaws and virtues, yes. A woman who, like so many of her generation, seems to have worked harder than any man to arrive where she is.

A woman who, as we would see in the news later, made a questionable wardrobe choice that day. A woman who probably longed to talk to her husband and daughter as she spent the day with strangers.

A woman who seems to believe that we can do better, for ourselves and for each other. An imperfect woman, just like us. A woman.

And so, we wept – one tear wiped briskly away, or floods shed, not so dissimilar to how she had cried herself, just a few weeks ago. And we had the thought, so rare in America these long, difficult days, of patriotism, thinking: Look how far we’ve come.

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Women, Not Woman

Hillary Clinton

Radical feminist Robin Morgan, on why she’s rising in “furious energy” for Hillary Clinton as she did for Anita Hill: “I’m voting for Hillary not because she’s a woman–but because I am.” Which is of course an even more self-demeaning way of saying the same biologically sectarian thing: faction, conferred by circumstances beyond my control, predetermines my ideas and predestines my loyalties. Blut und Boden and all that. (via: Hilary Rosen)

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The Age of Chivalry

That age has come and gone. This is the age of boorishness; sad, but true.


It is very hard to think like a Democrat. Please take this as a gentle reminder: to many of Hillary’s women fans the fact that Obama stood up and helped her with her chair is a reason to resent him and to vote against him. If he’s caught holding a door for her he’ll be finished.

Alas and alack.

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A New Symbol


(Cross posted at What if?)

After five years of heated debate, the Commission of Human Rights approved the official Symbol of Marriage.


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The Measure of a Man

Peg Kaplan looks askance at the reaction to Oprah Winfrey’s endorsement of Barack Obama over Hillary.

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Ms. Magazine Won’t Publish Ad About Israel’s Powerful Women

From Meryl Yourish.

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