Banning the BCS

Aggie congressman Joe Barton has introduced a bill to abolish the BCS regime and mandate the creation of a playoff system for college football. I quietly place all my hostilities to government intervention in sports into a shoebox for this vote and hope it passes. President-elect Obama has already declared himself opposed to the BCS.

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4 Responses to “Banning the BCS”

  1. on 11 Dec 2008 at 11:37 am ChrisB

    In general, I would agree, but how often does it work out that way in D.C.? Say, for example, that the bill starts out simply calling for a four-team playoff. BUT:

    -Congressman A thinks there should be 16 teams in the playoffs
    -Congressman B thinks at least one of the playoff games should be played in a new, world-class stadium to be built in his district in Vermont
    -Congressman C thinks that EVERY conference, no matter how small, should get an automatic bid, since he’s an Akron alum and wants his Zips to have a shot at glory
    -Congressman D thinks that these games will make so much money that a certain percentage should be taken from the schools and conferences and given to Congress to spend how it sees fit
    -Congressman E thinks that football is too violent a sport for kids to watch on TV, so new rules should be required which would turn the game into flag football
    -Congressman F thinks the cheerleaders’ unis are WAY too skimpy, and attaches a rider to abolish cheerleading in amateur sports
    -Congressman G is a PETA supporter, so specifies that any school with a live animal mascot cannot participate in the playoff
    -Congressman H says that women must be allowed in equal numbers on the football squads

    etc., etc……

  2. on 11 Dec 2008 at 2:48 pm Lee

    All too true Chris. Yet I’m willing to risk it in this instance. Occasionally the pure inhumanity of an injustice rises to a requirement for intervention. The University of Oklahoma is such an example.

  3. on 11 Dec 2008 at 4:02 pm ChrisB

    and quite an example at that. If you’re interested in watching a reenactment of the battle of Plataea, get to Dallas in early October next year.

  4. on 12 Dec 2008 at 4:23 am Robby

    Chris, excellent points. The idea of a playoff is popular (and I’m a proponent of it), but the chance of an I-can’t-help-myself Congress overreaching and making changes that end up being widely viewed as “ruining” college football is pretty high. If I was a Congressman, I wouldn’t touch this. You want constituents with torches and pitchforks? Start messing with college football.

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