Tag Archive 'ann althouse'

The Abolition of Marriage

Having failed to legalize gay marriage almost everywhere by democratic means, a proposed new approach by its advocates is to revoke marriage rights for heterosexuals, in a kind of retaliatory equalization. In effect, the idea is to abolish the legal institution of marriage for all, if it is to be that some are excluded from its benefits.

Jack Balkin and Ann Althouse debate the merits of this and generally agree it’s a fine idea, if potentially constitutionally problematic. A spectator can only marvel at how one couldn’t have picked a stratagem more perfectly designed to infuriate defenders of traditional marriage arrangements, and provoke even further opposition to gay marriage.


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Another Crazy U of Wisconsin Professor

Despite the presence of the esteemed Professor Althouse, it appears the University of Wisconsin employs very ignorant professors and lecturers. It all started with Kevin Barrett, an islamic studies lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Barrett is what’s known as a ‘truther’ or someone who believes the the US Government was behind the events of 9/11, and he’ s a particularly violent one at that, at times calling for the death of those who argue against him, or portray events he’s at in an unfavorable light. And now it’s happening again with Professor emeritus at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Bill Willers, who first fails to comprehend Prof. Althouse’s original post, and then assails her for not believing in the conspiracy delusions shared by Barrett and one must assume, Prof. Willers himself. This is the kind of critical thinking and reading failure I would be ashamed of seeing in a teenager. Prof. Althouse rightly laughs at the ignorant man, and takes him to task, as they say. Hopefully Prof Willers will apologize and take the time to do a little more research into his crazy beliefs, rather than call for Prof. Althouse’s death in the way Barrett does to his enemies.

For more information about 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and the loons behind them, please see:

9/11 Myths

Mark Roberts’ Extensive site,

and the JREF Conspiracy Forums.

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