LHC Pick Up Lines
ChrisB on Sep 10 2008 at 9:20 am | Filed under: Around the Web
Now this may color some people’s opinon of me, and I don’t mean to put any spin on it, but the last panel of this comic is hilarious. It’s my kind of flavor.
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9 Responses to “LHC Pick Up Lines”
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Strange. but charming.
Posting XKCD on ASHC. I used to think Chris was cool. Now I realize he’s an enormous nerd.
What do you mean? Nerds aren’t cool, when did that happen?
OK, this had me actually LOL
Wonder how many people will get the reference.
come on lee, what’s cooler than this picture?
“what’s cooler than this picture?”
A date with a woman.
you can ask the qando chat room, I get those all the time.
“Ask my nerd friends, I’m not really a nerd!” says he. Nerd, says me.
but my mom says I’m cool