The Reavers Arrive Amongst the Children

59 Schoolchildren Killed in Afghan Blast

Aziz Poonawala tells us who we are really talking about:

not to contradict Tariq bhai, but these aren’t even people. They are Reavers, and they will burn in hellfire.

More importantly, it behooves us all to remember who kills the most innocent muslim blood in this world. Not secret Jewish cabals, or neocon conspiracies, or colonial designs; none of these bogeymen of the modern ummah are to blame.

The Reavers. The Reavers alone are the enemy of the Ummah.

And the dominant organizing principle of a western muslim political movement must not be focused on nonsensically unrelated issues like Israel-Palestine or Iraq withdrawal or Iranian nuclear capabilities. Nor should it chase after “reform” or “moderation” or “dialog”. No; the dominant principle of a Western muslim polity should be to promote foreign policy that destroys them.

Until then, the Ummah will live in fear from within.

As a side note, I think I have met Aziz, though only briefly, through his wife and children. For the sake of them, I hope we all can work together to spare the Ummah from the Reavers of children.

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