BOO! - A Halloween Special
MichaelW on Oct 31 2006 at 8:53 pm | Filed under: Culture, Humor, MichaelW's Page
I thought it might be fun to cruise around the internets and highlight what some people will be wearing as a costume for Halloween this year.
To start off, it looks like slutty Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz is popular amongst the pre-teen girls.
And of course, Lions, and Tigers, and , Oh My!
Apparently, Karl Rove is dressing up as John Kerry. It’s a good make-up job, but a little over the top on the antics, don’t you think, Karl?
Let’s see what else we have … I think Lynne Cheney is going as a President, but I’m not sure which one. I’m guessing Jackson.
Senator Allen seems to be some sort of deep sea diver, while his opponent, Jim Webb, has chosen to be a Democrat this year.
Elsewhere, we find that Mike Nifong is pretending to be a prosecuting attorney, but only until November 7th. Well, we do tend to dress up as our heroes.
A popular costume for liberals this year is “the True Libertarian.” Some, however, don’t find the costumes very convincing. On the other end of the political spectrum, conservatives stick with a perennial favorite, run o’the mill liberal.
Meanwhile, in the world of sports, the Washington Redskins are masquerading as a professional football team, Tom Brady and Peyton Manning will both pretend to be human, and Floyd Landis will try to fit into the shoes of his hero, Lance Armstrong, albeit unsuccessfully.
And finally, lest we forget that Halloween is an international affair, I give you most popular costumes on the world stage, begininng with the least:
Allies of the USA
Peace protesters who really want peace
Global Warming science
Nuclear warmonger
And the most popular international costume this year: Tin Pot Dictator!
So, whatever your costume may be, have a safe and happy Halloween. And, hey, don’t forget to be careful. It’s scary out there …
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Rove with the October Surprise! Almost didn’t make it in on time.
Happy Halloween!