PETA Kills 97% of its Animals

The world’s largest (and most sanctimonious) animal rights group is evidently a prodigious pet killer. In 2006 they killed 17,400. Longtime PETA critics Center for Consumer Freedom, apparently got a hold of one of PETA’s own reports to a Virgina regulatory body of some sort and have an interesting press release floating around the web today.

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3 Responses to “PETA Kills 97% of its Animals”

  1. on 13 Jan 2008 at 6:45 pm ChrisB

    I remember heading something similar to this on the penn and teller episode on peta.

  2. on 13 Jan 2008 at 8:12 pm Tracy

    First, the animals that Peta euthanized were either unadoptable or going to be euthanized anyway by overcrowded shelters. These shelters use gas instead of injections. Peta uses injections, like most vets do, which are faster and more humane.

    Second, it’s important for people to know what the Center for Consumer Freedom is. It’s a deceptively named group that was founded with money from the tobacco industry. (For more information, visit SourceWatch or The CCF’s goal was to put a positive spin on smoking. When that failed, they moved to other industries and are now funded by the restaurant, alcohol, meat and dairy industries.

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  3. on 13 Jan 2008 at 8:44 pm Lee

    Good point Tracy. I’d forgotten about the unscrupulous agendas of those evil restaurants and dairy farmers.

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