Off With Their Heads…
Posted by Keith_Indy on 29 Jun 2007 at 1:51 pm | Tagged as: Keith's Page, Domestic Politics
Or at least, investigate them to death. That does seem to be a central theme with the Democrats overarching strategy.
For being the “party in power” they are still operating as the “opposition.” They’ve yet to pass much with any real substance. Their leaders are prone to illogical outbursts at nearly anyone. Corruption, darkness, and arcane process are still just as much a problem as last year. In other words, business as usual.
Investors Business Daily has an editorial up on the long term consequences with regards to the path the Democrats are setting themselves on.
Congress has a constitutional duty to provide oversight, and that often requires investigations. But this Democratic Congress has taken that responsibility and turned it into a political blood sport and ignored another part of its job: crafting sound public policy.
Americans need genuine Social Security and Medicare reform. They need a comprehensive energy bill that allows them to make use of their own natural resources. They need a Congress that is interested in protecting them from terrorist attacks.
But the way the Democrats are acting, and have acted for decades, these are issues that don’t require attention. It’s the same way they’re treating the war on terrorism — in their minds, these problems don’t exist.
Yet the threats of large-scale loss of life from terrorism, and economic misery caused by entitlement liabilities that can’t be met in any reasonable way, and energy shortages created by a trendy obeisance to fanatic Greenshirts are real.
But this is what we should expect from lawmakers who get strong support from voters who think that President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are terrorists, feel that driving an SUV is nearly criminal and think of government as a generous nanny.
4 Responses to “Off With Their Heads…”
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It looks like both parties are self-destructing (esp the GOP over the immigration bill). Which has major short-term costs, but I hope it means something meaningful emerges from the rubble. And that we’re around to appreciate it.
Hmmm……, Is that “more rubble, less trouble?”
You know it!
If it weren’t for Iraq, Afghanistan, and the GWOT in general, I’d say having both parties weak would be a good thing.
But we are in desperate need for a leader and a statesman come next years election.
Fred! or Guiliani seem to be a decent choices, mainly for being outside of Washington and it’s associated stink right now.