One can only shake one’s head

From Instapundit:


Bush didn’t just renew his historic initiative, he vastly expanded it. But unlike with the first five-year run of PEPFAR, this time he won’t be around to make good on his promises. That will fall to the next President. So if you think of yourself as a social-justice-loving sort of person, you should make damn sure that whoever you vote for has made clear that, on Africa, they’ll carry forward Bush’s legacy, rather than bringing us back to the dark days of Clintonian indifference.

If that happens, it will be because of personal belief, not politics. As Bush’s history makes clear, his support on this issue has done nothing for him politically, as not enough people care.

I have recently pointed out the truth about the statement in bold in other contexts, but it still should be said, if only to keep the record straight. Lord knows I have had little good to say about Bush here, outside of pointing out that the criticisms usually go way too far, but he does deserve praise for some things. One of which is the willingness to do things he feels are right no matter how little credit, or even actual damage to his reputation, he might receive. That is a rare thing in politics, and one you would think you would find refreshing. Unfortunately, Bush also has the rare gift of alienating even those who might have found that willingness to do so a virtue, by doing the opposite in some of the most bone headed places possible. Appointments being a good example, with Alberto Gonzales and Harriet Myers being startling illustrations. What a waste.

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