Tag Archive 'housing'

Housing Incoherence

The New York Times thinks housing was in a bubble and prices are too high. Their solution? Try to keep housing prices too high.

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Middle Class Burdens

Thanks to Don Boudreaux, I found this “Inconvenient Truth” about the struggles of the middle class. As readers here know, I have long been a bear on housing, but as always those who want their hands on our wallet can take any crisis or problem as a license to take from us. Todd Zywicki writes [...]

McCain - Not a Flip-Flopper on Housing Issue

Well, it’s all the rage now. The AHA GOTCHA! moments of political campaigning.
Some think they’ve got McCain painted in a corner by the selective use of quotes:
In a speech March 25, he said: “It is not the duty of government to bail out and reward those who act irresponsibly, whether they are big banks [...]

The Nationalization of the Housing Market

Regular readers know that I have been harping on the likely collapse in housing since this blog began. At this point I am hardly an outlier in being concerned, which means now the politicians and experts are ready to ride to the rescue. Proposals to increase regulation, bailout mortgage insurers, banks and even homeowners are [...]

The Subprime Shuffle

Courtesy of Barry Ritholtz, we get a look at some black humor being passed around on the trading desks of Wall Street:
Go here to see the whole slideshow.

I would have more humor about this if I didn’t just get some bad news.
My new house has a leak in the roof, and an air conditioner that [...]

Fundamentally there was no housing bubble?-Update

So claims Alex Tabarrok. Alex and his blogmate Tyler are two of my favorite bloggers, but on this matter I think Alex is wrong. Unlike for some, his argument doesn’t invite scorn from me, because humility should teach us that sometimes things are different, and we cannot always fully understand why, at least not until [...]

A Chicken in Every Pot

Have you ever met a politician who didn’t make promises that could not be delivered? I haven’t, either.
Of course, there are promises… and then there are promises.
If you are someone with an adjustable rate mortgage who has run aground, then you might like Hillary Clinton’s promise to freeze interest rates for five years. [...]

This is truly disturbing-Updated


I really have little to add to my declaration of extreme discomfort.
Much more on this here.

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Today’s links: Washington tries to step up

 (cross posted at Risk and Return)
Ben Bernanke gives Congress and the President the green light to take steps to stimulate the economy along with a warning:

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ChrisB and the Federal Reserve

Chris asked what he thought the Federal Reserve could have done differently. I gave him an answer, but there was more to be said. My full answer is here. Scroll around, there is a lot more on the what could have been done, what might be done, and the general risks which now surround our [...]

Scary graphic of the day

From a post at the Minneapolis Star Tribune’s buzz.com describing the impact on neighborhoods in Minneapolis of the spiraling number of foreclosures. Each pin is a foreclosure. 725 total in North Side. (HT: Instapundit)

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Today’s links: The Housing Market

(cross posted at Risk and Return)
Paper Economy has taken a close look at what it will take to get inflation adjusted housing prices in Massachusetts back to trend over a five year period. It should be noted that for this to happen sooner the decline would have to be deeper (due to inflation doing less [...]

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