Iran’s War Against Dogs

dogs in Iran

on the Iranian theocracy’s deranged crackdown on pet dog ownership. Since walking a dog in public is apparently illegal, pet owners are resorting to walking their dogs late at night to avoid detection from the police. According to Iranian theocrats, pet dogs are a “corrupting influence of decadent Western culture.”

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14 Responses to “Iran’s War Against Dogs”

  1. on 05 Feb 2008 at 9:48 am Lance

    Robyn wants a dog to go with our two cats. I am in sympathy with the mullah’s on this one.

  2. on 05 Feb 2008 at 11:57 am Synova

    All of our pets seemed like a good idea at the time, so I can’t really try to take the moral high ground but…

    The thing about dogs is that in that culture it’s a bit like making a pet out of a pot-belly pig.

    Dogs are unclean. But more and more people don’t care.

  3. on 05 Feb 2008 at 1:16 pm Lee

    This isn’t culture, Sy. As the Vet makes clear, dog ownership in Iran is an old historical tradition. This is just arbitrary despotism.

  4. on 05 Feb 2008 at 1:31 pm Synova

    A Persian/Arab difference then?

  5. on 05 Feb 2008 at 1:57 pm Lee

    A fanatic/rational difference.

  6. on 21 Feb 2008 at 10:00 am hass

    ooH! Look! SOme Iranians getting “lashed” for walking their dog — Lookie look here!

    OH MY GOD THOSE EEEEEEVVVVVUUUUUUUUUUUUUL BATSARDS! Our civilization is SOOOO much superior to theirs!

    OOOOOH! LOOK! Here’s another one! Why, they’re being LASHED for walking their dogs too!

    Yet another one here!

    And look here! They have Safari Dogs in Iran — no doubt, they let you shoot the dogs!

    How Evil can they get!!!!!


    SHeeple believe everything they’re told, and repeat it.

  7. on 21 Feb 2008 at 10:34 am Lance

    Considering that the one photo you show us with a caption says that walking dogs is restricted, you have kind of undercut your point.

    As for the superior civilization comment, most of the people here have a deep respect for the Persian civilization, and have put a great deal of study into the region. We just don’t respect theocratic, murderous dictators.

  8. on 21 Feb 2008 at 10:43 am MichaelW

    You seem to have missed the memo, hass:

    Sarcasm is not for the stupid. [FULL STOP]

  9. on 21 Feb 2008 at 5:37 pm hass

    DIdja notice the date of the article which claimed that dog-walking is “restricted”? 2001. This is a 7 year old story which is being recycled. And did you notice how much the Iranians were paying attention to this “restriction”?

    Yes I guess sarcasm is indeed not for the stupid.

  10. on 21 Feb 2008 at 6:18 pm Lee

    most of the people here have a deep respect for the Persian civilization

    Except me. Five thousand years of almost unbroken despotism. That is Persia.

    What I have respect for is the imagination of the Persian people. A permanently persecuted people who having inherited a political legacy of perpetual autocracy, can still dream on their own of freedom. The people in the video above who on a small level, are calling out the religious laws against dogs as ridiculous and stupid, are a profound testament to the enduring promise of that nation. Hass as an apologist for Iranian civilization as it is, rather than what it might be, is not among them.

  11. on 21 Feb 2008 at 7:15 pm Lance

    Its political rulers past and present? Yeah, I have no respect for that. The rest of the civilization? I have great respect and empathy. Your mileage may vary.

  12. on 21 Feb 2008 at 7:29 pm Lee

    Art and culture, mathematics and science….a substantial weight of contributions to world civilization. But we must be selective if we are going to praise it, no? When so many of the greatest achievements come at the behest of Achaemenid and Parthian overlords, and are invariably ascribed in stone to the solitary wisdom and divine guidance of the reigning tyrant.

    No. What I respect is living under the weight of that history and yet imagining something different. And Persians do. That may be a thing worthy of more than respect actually.

  13. on 21 Feb 2008 at 7:54 pm MichaelW

    DIdja notice the date of the article which claimed that dog-walking is “restricted”? 2001. This is a 7 year old story which is being recycled. And did you notice how much the Iranians were paying attention to this “restriction”?

    Heh. Well that’s some interesting backtracking. The question is, did YOU notice. Lance pointed the caption out to you as well as how it pretty much cut the legs out from under your insipid remarks.

    Yes I guess sarcasm is indeed not for the stupid.

    Glad we agree on that. Remember it next time you go in, guns ablazin’, making ridiculous and irrelevant points, all in an effort to prove your intellectual superiority.

  14. on 13 May 2008 at 5:24 pm Springtime

    I must say that I am quite shocked what I am reading hire,First of all I must apologize because I am not so familiar with your culture and low.
    Never the less I am amazed how little of you know about your heritage about dogs in Persia and how they where treated….well some of them.
    I know that Islam religion thinks that dogs are un cline…but breed like Saluki(Tazi) where highly respected of very important persons in your history. Everywhere is written…Saluki is a gift of Alah!!! The breed which is probable the oldest one on earth, and you don’t appreciate that ????? Well, belive me corrupted and spoiled Europeans du!
    As a Saluki owner, I do know, that this heavenly creatures are really unique and special gift of god!
    I am very sad that you don’t  treasure your inheritance!!!

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