Tag Archive 'islam'
Lance on Mar 03 2008 | Filed under: Around the Web
Michael Totten tries to give voice to the millions of Muslims who are not silent, but are not heard.
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Lee on Feb 22 2008 | Filed under: Around the Web
photo: Martin Dixon
Here’s a grim laugh for your Friday morning. A Muslim propaganda video which preposterously seeks to explain the death and burial of Pompeii and Herculaneum in the 1st century, as the result of the wrath of Allah against the decadent Roman empire. The video marvels at how people were struck down with little […]
MichaelW on Feb 11 2008 | Filed under: Foreign affairs, Libertarianism, MichaelW's Page, Philosophy, social science
For your viewing pleasure, watch Ayaan Hirsi Ali effortlessly dismantle the typical leftist tropes thrown at her in an interview with Avi Lewis (Naomi Klein’s husband). The quote serving as the title comes across as venomously pointed when read, but when Ali delivers it towards the end of the interview it sounds perfectly reasonable […]
Lance on Feb 10 2008 | Filed under: Lance's Page, Law, Religion and theology
Ali Eteraz gives his fellow Muslims the rationale for opposing Sharia courts being imported into the west:
14 - Liberal democracy, as is, is perfectly compatible with Islam
You aren’t making your country more Islamic or even earning more reward by going to Sharia arbitration courts. The Mufti of Egypt thinks liberal democracy is compatible with Islam. […]
The Muhammad-pedia Controversy
ChrisB on Feb 07 2008 | Filed under: Chris' Page, Media, Religion and theology, Society, Technology
After their success getting the Muhammad cartoons banned, some Muslims have now set their sights on wikipedia. Recently a large group of Muslims have started an email campaign asking wikipedia to remove their images of their holy prophet Muhammad, even going so far as to start an online petition that has received over 80,000 […]
Lee on Feb 05 2008 | Filed under: Around the Web
Video report on the Iranian theocracy’s deranged crackdown on pet dog ownership. Since walking a dog in public is apparently illegal, pet owners are resorting to walking their dogs late at night to avoid detection from the police. According to Iranian theocrats, pet dogs are a “corrupting influence of decadent Western culture.”
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The 3 Little Pigs is Racist
ChrisB on Jan 24 2008 | Filed under: Around the Web
We must censor you to avoid possibly maybe offending anyone.
Hopefully once we purge the story of the 3 little pigs from our culture we can stop worrying about our embassies getting blown up.
(h/t: QandO)
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Lee on Jan 18 2008 | Filed under: Around the Web
The Thai government may be divided over whether AQ is funding Islamic militants in the south.
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Islamic Pornography
Lee on Jan 13 2008 | Filed under: Around the Web
Very, very, very safe for work.
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