Houston Tea Party

I’m at the Houston tea party downtown right now. Over 1000 people easy (update: closer to 10,000). Definitely an experience. I can’t even get close enough to see the stage. Previous speaker was pretty good at firing up the crowd tossing out lots of slogans and popular pro-American sentiments. Speaker now it a bit more academic. Out of the Ron Paul mold, referring to mises and Austrian economics. Giving a historical tax lecture. Protest babes when I get home. Update: More pictures below the fold texas-sign tax-attorney-and-son speaker reagan protest-babes prof

My spot initially

My spot initially

more protest babes

more protest babes

I thought this was a clever sign

I thought this was a clever sign

here's one extremist

here's one extremist

crowd shot

crowd shot

crowd shot 2

crowd shot 2

crowd shot 3

crowd shot 3

gotta have a band

gotta have a band

I saw lots of strollers

I saw lots of strollers



protest babes

protest babes

protest babes 2

protest babes 2

socialism sign

socialism sign

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