The Warden

Col. Sanders

I am really enjoying the cinematic PETA ads depicting KFC’s Colonel Sanders as an evil prison warden abusing anthropomorphic chicken men. in particular is hilarious. The premise and message is too ridiculous to take seriously as any kind of political message, thus it transcends its purpose to become genuine entertainment. One wonders if they intend to adapt Col. Sander’s Asian personas anytime soon. I hope so. I’d personally enjoy Samurai Sanders making a chicken sandwich with a katana.

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5 Responses to “The Warden”

  1. on 12 Feb 2008 at 4:47 pm Synova

    I figure that any animal that doesn’t know it’s dead when you cut it’s head off, counts as a vegetable.

    That includes chicken and fish.

  2. on 12 Feb 2008 at 8:46 pm Lee

    They don’t look like chickens to me Sy. They look like Chicken Men.

  3. on 13 Feb 2008 at 9:40 pm Synova

    I love my chickens. My whole adult life I’ve wanted to have a few chickens and I’m finally able to have a little flock now.

    Chickens are almost as brainless as a snake (I have corn snakes as pets, too). I like them because their instinctive behaviors are so interesting. Roosters will cluck and fuss over hens the same way that hens cluck and fuss over chicks. “Run around like a chicken with it’s head cut off” is a description of a real thing.

    You can raise some chicks from eggs and they don’t have to be taught to be a chicken. They’ll grow up happy and carry on. All they need to be a proper chicken is a flock. Very unlike many parrot types or other birds that won’t breed or brood if they don’t initially impress on their parents, chickens are all instinct.

    So years ago when I read a (humane society, IIRC) magazine article talking about how production baby chicks grow up without ever knowing a mother’s love and how sad this is, I realized that the author was a moron.

    And I realized that the author didn’t care.

    Didn’t care about chickens as *chickens* but only as a cause.

    What is actually best for chickens? Chickens are probably the one other creature that has been developed to the same sort of variety by human beings as dogs have been. Without chickens being “abused” by humans there would be no chickens.

    What sort of reward is that for all the incredible adaptability the chicken has accomplished?

    What a fabulous creature you are, chicken. But you keep poor company, you should have been more careful about your associations!

  4. on 13 Feb 2008 at 10:18 pm Lee

    Yeah, but those chickens have human legs and arms. I think we ought to be grateful to Col Sanders for keeping these monstrosities behind barbed wire fences. Can you imagine the pandemonium that would ensue if these chicken men monsters were allowed to run amok?

  5. on 14 Feb 2008 at 2:16 am Synova

    Well, there is that. :-)

    Also, “amok” is an awesome word. Better at a distance though, I’m sure.

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