Huffpo off the deep end again-Update

General Pace, suddenly a voice of wisdom after supposedly being part of the problem, has suggested we need to draw down forces sometime next year. This has driven Martin Lewis to argue that Pace relieve Bush of his command and place him under military arrest. I assumed this was satire or hyperbole, and then I read it, the guy is serious. Of course Lewis and much of the rest of the netroots believe we are already in a near dictatorship, so pointing out that Lewis has no clue about the way our system is structured is pointless, you can’t discuss things with people suffering from that level of delusion.

Captain Ed nevertheless does his level best to point out the lack of constitutional or legal basis for such an act.

Frankly many people have just about lost their minds.

Update: Dale Frank’s thoughts on this are well worth reading.

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3 Responses to “Huffpo off the deep end again-Update”

  1. on 26 Aug 2007 at 10:27 pm Joshua Foust

    But what about what Pace said? Me, I’m glad he finally grew some balls.

  2. on 26 Aug 2007 at 11:51 pm Lance

    So, it is claimed he thinks that when we begin to draw down, as the plan envisioned up to this point, that it is a good idea. I hope he is right. The only point of contention is how deep a cut, and we don’t even know it is a point of contention. Because the fact is we don’t know he has said anything. It was claimed and his office denied the report. Hopefully the claimed report is right come April. We will be able to cut down to 80,000 troops or so. I find that unlikely, but hey, I am a fan of optimism as long as it doesn’t get in the way of reality.

    As for his balls, it seems to me it takes as much or more balls to say we need to suck it up as start pulling out. It isn’t about testosterone levels, it is about the wisest course of action.

    Of course the praise he is getting for something that, as far as we know, he hasn’t said stands in stark contrast to questions about opinions he has had in the past on the traits necessary to truly have balls, but when we are looking for anything to support our view, then I guess wisdom travels in segregated paths. I think that is true by the way, but in the past I have heard that questioned, and specifically in his case by a number of people, including a certain poster here.

    So if General Pace down the road feels we should draw down more than the commanders in theater believe makes sense he will have the opportunity to make his case, and I will listen. It is ironic though, just as the people who have been complaining about the people who have the best view of things, especially junior commanders who were not being listened to, are getting the chance to put their ideas into action, and many have faced career consequences to get to this point, the people who have supposedly been the obstacle are getting a second look. Listening to the Generals continues to be selective. Fine and good, in the end we have to be, but let us not pretend it has anything in this instance to do with anything but finding a way to commandeer an opinion we don’t know exists, and for reasons not really explained, because it sounds like it might show a difference of opinion, that at this point doesn’t seem to be that different anyway from what is hoped for by those he is supposed to disagree with.

  3. on 27 Aug 2007 at 2:06 am Joshua Foust

    Well, the comment balls has more to it than testosterone. My biggest complaint about Pace was that he never really said “no” to Bush—he was a good, stolid company man. Breaking from Bush’s narrative, while remaining firmly within the bounds of CJCS, is to my view both honorable and appropriate.

    I should rescind the balls comment anyway. I still don’t like the guy, and I think it’s not as ballsy to wait until you’re not being renominated for a second term to suddenly say what you think is necessary.

    That is, as you said, if he is saying what he is said to have said. Heh.

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