Dems in disguise

So, remind me again why the Communist Party, USA actually exists anymore?  From what I’ve read on their official website, they seem like Democrats who like to wear red.  For example, examine this report to the National Committee of the Communist Party.

 So, let me get this straight. In November, be sure to vote for your favorite Democrat.  Unlike the LP, they aren’t even trying to form a legitimate independent political movement anymore.  They’ve just given up and said, “Eh, go ahead and vote D.  We’re all on the same page.”  I’m not really sure who should be more worried about this attitude, CPUSA members or Democrats.  I mean, if the COMMUNIST PARTY is endorsing your candidates, how far from the mainstream have you wandered?  Note, however that they don’t seem to care much for good old “Joementum.”  That makes two good reasons to support him.

 Also, in my rereadings of Marx, Trotsky, and Mao, I failed to note where this was a major issue:

 Gee, when did Communism/Marxism stop being about dialectic materialism and the class struggle and start embracing boring old identity politics?

Look, I’m no fan of the CPUSA or any of its discredited ideology, but if I were a good little Marxist, I would be outraged about the fact that my party had absolutely abandoned its ideological roots and demand that it show a little backbone and initiative instead of simply caving into nice little, PC mild-mannered socialist lite garbage.  I mean when did the Donkey replace the hammer and sickle as the rallying icon for Communism?

Hmmm… why does this sound like an eerie parallel to the 2006 Republican Party? (cue Twilight Zone theme)

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