Cross Corroboration

McQ find some general backing up of John McCain’s Vietnam cross story. Not to be outdone by Andrew Sullivan and Daily Kos, Matt Welch at Reason thinks the cross story is the least important story McCain might have made up.

If any of these stories is a lie, I hope it’s the ol’ cross-in-the-dirt number. I wouldn’t want to think that any American hero came home and announced to a deeply skeptical public a totally made-up story about how not one, but two different “generals” spelled out a Domino Theory that McCain himself would later recognize as being bogus.

This is of course, all silly distraction that bloggers and the media love to get wrapped up in to fill in the gaps in this year long election coverage we’ve had this cycle. There’s simply no way to prove that the story didn’t happen and lots of way for people to look silly obsessing over this non-story.

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2 Responses to “Cross Corroboration”

  1. on 19 Aug 2008 at 5:50 pm Don

    I find Obama’s choice of his most difficult decision much more interesting, since his was the decision to go to war in Iraq, which he had nothing to do with, being in the IL Senate at that time.

    If Obama has such a problem with decisions that have no implications, how can he handle the hard decisions a president must make?

  2. on 19 Aug 2008 at 6:25 pm Jon Lester

    I’ll take that one farther: I’d like some solid reassurance that Scheunemann’s lobbying assignments haven’t influenced events in Caucasus more than a little. The claim he’s known the Saakashvili, age 41, for 25 years, while still unable to pronounce the man’s name, really bothered me. I’d like some clarity on why the “first Christian nation” meme is relevant, since Russia has been Christian for 1000 years itself.

    Doubting the cross story is useless, as you say. McCain can have that one, as far as I’m concerned. I just want to know there’s not something going on that would be many degrees worse than the Lincloln Bedroom thing.

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