Tag Archive 'surge'

Fallon and Petraeus sitting in a tree…

I was catching up a bit on my reading, and thanks to McQ found this interview with Admiral Fallon. As McQ points out, the conversation did not go the way Kyra Phillips was trying to steer it.
Given our own commentary on Fallon here, here, and here, I think several key points that fly in the [...]

The Air Surge

Bob Owens tackles the lazy reductionist thinking behind claims that the recent use of air strikes in Iraq shows a worsening situation, or is at odds with the counterinsurgency strategy we should be pursuing.
I especially like this quote from Human Rights Watch, no friends of the administration:
…the air surge has not caused “an appreciable loss [...]

Notes from the Vote

Romney is walking away with Nevada and has declared victory. American Research Group’s last-minute poll in South Carolina picked up an enormous Thompson surge (to 21%). However the exit polls are saying it’s the McCain and Huckabee show. Byron York writes a fine but sad obituary on the late developing FDT campaign that could have [...]

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