Tag Archive 'Saddam Hussein'

Frank Miller’s Geostrategic Theory

Frank Lovece sat down with Frank Miller for Newsday to discuss his upcoming film The Spirit. Toward the end of it Lovece asked Miller about remarks he’d made in 2007 in support of the Iraq War, and offered him an opportunity to clarify/retract. Miller was unapologetic:

Miller: When the U.S. was attacked at Pearl Harbor, we didn’t just declare war on Japan, we declared war on Germany. It was an international fascist effort. And so when I said that the attack on Iraq made sense, it was the same way we had to attack not just Afghanistan. Instead we had to attack the center of Islamofascism.


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Maybe he wasn’t guilty?

Mick Stockinger:

“In the side bar of the story is a link to an interactive site with the following caption:

Saddam’s Judgment Background on the former Iraqi leader’s alleged crimes, his life and capture, plus video and photos.

Tried, convicted and hanged, but to the liberal media his crimes are still only ‘alleged.’”

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Baghdad Hams

Under Saddam’s rule, ham radio operator Abdul Karim Hadi would have been executed if he’d kept radio equipment at home. Back then hams had to transmit from exclusive clubs, with the Mukhabarat listening in to every conversation. When liberation came in 2003 things didn’t improve that much for Abdul. The United States arrested him and confiscated his radio equipment. He was later released with an apology when the US discovered he was just a radio enthusiast, rather than an insurgency communications agent. Newsday covers his interesting story.

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Say It Aint So

Via hotair

President Bush on Friday used a “pocket veto” to reject a sweeping defense bill because he dislikes a provision that would expose the Iraqi government to expensive lawsuits seeking damages from the Saddam Hussein era…

The sponsor of the contested provision, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., said the provision would allow “American victims of terror to hold perpetrators accountable — plain and simple.”

** Isn’t this a de-facto admission that Saddam’s regime was neck deep in terrorism???

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