Tag Archive 'political'

A Sexual Imagination is Not a Crime

(photo: Serguei Kovalev)
Christopher Hitchens once said that the trouble with biographers of Thomas Jefferson, is that there appears to be the collective assumption on their part that the great man was without a penis. I’m reminded of this truth in reading about the very hot water Mr. Al Franken –the all-but-certain Democratic nominee for US [...]


A clerical ally of Huckabee is in trouble with the IRS for turning his tax-exempt church into a political platform. Now that seems like a “fair tax” no?

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The Practicality of Barack

At some point along the way Obama became the pragmatist’s choice. Hillary used to own that territory when concerns turned to electability, but that’s all over with now. Perception is as PoliticalBuzz puts it, “Obama is someone who can rally a broad base.” Combining the leftist base with the moderate infrastructure is always difficult. But [...]

Delegating it to the Superdelegates

Steven Taylor takes a look at Paul Kane’s conclusion that it is now mathematically impossible for either Obama or Clinton to win the nomination with pledged delegates, and notes that a super-delegate decided nominee represents an enormous political problem for the Democrats:
The party that has a legitimate gripe about the 2000 election and the [...]

Too Sexy for France

Carla Bruni, Nicholas Sarkozy’s bride, is upsetting the “traditional morality” of France. I was somewhat surprised to learn there was such a thing, but apparently it goes like this: men are permitted to be promiscuous and women are permitted to…stay at home. Seems fair, right? Well, promiscuous Carla (who describes her voracious libido as “predatory“) [...]

Reflections on Fred

This was a post better suited for yesterday and Fred’s withdrawal, but I suppose I let myself get distracted without posting it. It should go without saying that while I was unsurprised by the event, it was nevertheless disappointing. But not so much because we are now bereft of any reasonable alternative in the Republican [...]

Take Two

Earlier in the day, you might have been wondering how much of your assets might melt away, as markets around the world gyrated with perceived increasingly negative news. Later, on political blogs everywhere, reports that Fred Thompson was ending a run for his party’s nomination.
Then, news that a young and successful actor had died, [...]

Unions in Retreat

Michael Goldfarb thinks that the unexpected Hillary win in Nevada despite the Culinary Workers Union endorsement of Obama, could represent the beginning of a substantial diminution in union political power: “If they can’t even affect the votes of their members when those members must vote in public, in front of their colleagues, and under the [...]

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