Tag Archive 'love'

A Sexual Imagination is Not a Crime

(photo: Serguei Kovalev)
Christopher Hitchens once said that the trouble with biographers of Thomas Jefferson, is that there appears to be the collective assumption on their part that the great man was without a penis. I’m reminded of this truth in reading about the very hot water Mr. Al Franken –the all-but-certain Democratic nominee for US [...]

Sociology of Love

Yes, from the bird’s eye view, there is a “love market” and you are just a love widget. But let’s take the symbolic interactionist perspective. Relationships are highly customizable. Once you bond with a person, you can make the relationship highly unique and hard to substitute. Even if two people are similar, they can form [...]

Love in a Foreign War

(photo: trish brunner | blog)
This morning I stumbled into the story from last year of James and Lena Ahearn. James, the American officer, Lena the Iraqi woman who was apparently the first war bride in Iraq in 2003. They’d met in Baghdad’s Green Zone and it was a rather charming romance of flowers, with [...]

La Jetée

Chris Marker’s still powerful 1962 post-apocalyptic short film, with its classic anagnorisis finale. Produced entirely with still photographs, music and voice-over narration, it portrays a horrifying future world and the melancholic vision of a man consumed with nostalgic love for a dead woman he saw as child. Becoming the subject of the subterranean totalitarian government’s [...]

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