Archive for the 'Lance's Page' Category

Market failure

From Peter Gordon:
This morning’s WSJ op-ed (“Gas Taxes Are High Enough”) by Mary E. Peters, Secretary of Transportation, suggests that this appointment belongs on the plus side of the ledger. She is the highest-ranking federal transportation official to openly embrace electronic road tolls on major highways. Highway congestion is often cited as a market failure [...]

Sam Zell on what is important

I don’t know if the eccentric Sam Zell can turn around Tribune, but he is always entertaining:
From: Talk to Sam Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 11:03 AM Subject: Censorship, the First Amendment and the Fourth Estate
I learned on the first leg of our [...]

The Global Correction

(Cross posted at Risk and Return)
This is a very cool look at the market carnage of the last few days geographically from the Wall Street Journal. You can go from one day to the next and watch how the markets in various places rose and fell*. Hat tip: James Hamilton (who has interesting observations on [...]

Indexing Capital Gains

Richard Rahn pushes for the indexing of capital gains due to inflation as part of the stimulus.
Accounting for inflation in this way has the advantages of producing more short-term revenue to the Treasury as long-term gains are “unlocked.” Furthermore, lowering the cost of capital would stimulate investment and the stock markets, and would increase the [...]

Wordpress News

Good for them:
Automattic, the company behind, just secured a $29.5 million B round of financing. Congrats to Matt, Toni, and everyone else at Automattic. $29.5 million is a monster round, considering that Automattic has so far grown by sipping daintily on a $1.2 million first round secured in 2006. I can’t wait to [...]

African wages, high and sticky?

Hat tip: Tyler.
Chris Blattman has a conjecture, possibly high wages in Africa are holding back growth:
One thing that has always struck me in the African countries I have worked is that the real wages (i.e. wages adjusted for the cost of living) of African formal sector workers seem to be incredibly high, at least compared [...]

The Path to Mass Murder III

Haven’t we said this is the way things were heading once Hugo Chavez instituted price controls? Why yes we did.
From CNN via Pejman
President Hugo Chavez threatened on Sunday to take over farms or milk plants if owners refuse to sell their milk for domestic consumption and instead seek higher profits abroad or from cheese-makers.
With [...]

Bloody Inflation!

Alex Tabarrok compiles the data:
Number of people killed per minute in the Rambo series.

Rambo: First Blood (1982): 0.01

Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985): 0.72

Rambo III (1988): 1.30

Rambo IV (2008): 2.59

His source, Peter Gordon, observes:
There is also a tabulation of “Number of sex scenes. ” All zeroes, no trend, not a chic flic.
So sex scenes [...]

A New Blog to Spotlight: Greater Surbiton

Start off with a look at his wonderful post and photo’s on the destruction of Serbia’s oldest theater. Then poke around, read who he is. Enjoy. Yet another part of the antitotalitarian left searching for what that means anymore:
A blog devoted to political commentary and analysis with a particular - but far from exclusive - [...]

Free Trade Distilled

Megan McCardle looks at some silly arguments at Max Sawickey’s old place on trade. Read the whole thing, but she hits the nail on the head here:
There are three possibilities for what will happen if we liberalize trade:
1) We will sell more stuff to foreigners than they sell to us. Since we can’t use all [...]

Fed Cuts Interest Rate 75bps!

From The New York Times:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Federal Reserve, confronted with a global stock sell-off fanned by increased fears of a recession, cut a key interest rate by three-quarters of a percentage point on Tuesday.
Quicker and larger than expected.  I am curious whether investors will, at the margin, consider this a move to celebrate [...]

Overseas Markets Plunge Again

From the New York Times:
Heavy selling hit each Asian and European stock market as soon as it opened. Some of Asia’s easternmost exchanges, which had closed on Monday before the sharpest declines occurred in India and then Europe, suffered particularly steep drops.
The Japanese stock market dropped 5.7 percent, for the worst two-day loss in [...]

Megan McCardle calls the Democrats bluff

I don’t want to hear any more about how the Democrats are the party of fiscal responsibility; none of them are planning to close the current deficit, much less deal with the now-seriously-it-really-is-looming entitlement problem. Their tax code changes will claw back only a small fraction of the revenue lost in the Bush tax cut. [...]

Beachamp revealed

By all accounts Scott Beauchamp has tried to redeem himself in the eyes of his unit. However, when this story came to a head and the military investigated him, he seems to have been held in rather low regard. Bob Owens has started to put up the documents he has received from the military in [...]

A Strange Maps Addiction

It is a very beneficial habit. Steve Newton has really gotten the bug, and has a startling one showing the difference between North and South Korea. Looking at it reminded me of one I posted about a long time ago. So, being a fan of recycling posts, I thought it should be reprised:
Spontaneous order can [...]

Other Countries GDP’s as US States

From Strange Maps:

This is quite an education. Click for a larger image.
Although the economies of countries like China and India are growing at an incredible rate, the US remains the nation with the highest GDP in the world – and by far: US GDP is projected to be $13,22 trillion (or $13.220 billion) in 2007, [...]

Labour regulations in China and India: Economic Freedom in Relief

This is a stunning statistic:
…the annual expansion in China’s trade has been larger than India’s total annual trade during last several years.
Tyler Cowen hones in on this point, amongst a bounty of good points:
The most important factor that still holds back large [Indian] firms from entering these products is a set of draconian labour laws [...]

40 Hour Laptops!

Via Instapundit we see it may come true:
Imagine running your laptop nonstop from New York to Tokyo — crunch some numbers, work on a memo pop in a few DVDs — and then do a full day of meetings, using your machine throughout the day and into the night. Imagine doing all this [...]

Today’s links: Washington tries to step up

 (cross posted at Risk and Return)
Ben Bernanke gives Congress and the President the green light to take steps to stimulate the economy along with a warning:

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ChrisB and the Federal Reserve

Chris asked what he thought the Federal Reserve could have done differently. I gave him an answer, but there was more to be said. My full answer is here. Scroll around, there is a lot more on the what could have been done, what might be done, and the general risks which now surround our [...]

Monetarist Hero Anna Schwarz on the Fed

Milton Friedman’s research partner, Anna Schwartz, goes after the federal reserve:
As rebukes go in the close-knit world of central banking, few hurt as much as the scathing indictment of US Federal Reserve policy by Professor Anna Schwartz.
The high priestess of US monetarism - a revered figure at the Fed - says the central bank is [...]

Scary graphic of the day

From a post at the Minneapolis Star Tribune’s describing the impact on neighborhoods in Minneapolis of the spiraling number of foreclosures. Each pin is a foreclosure. 725 total in North Side. (HT: Instapundit)

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Today’s links: The Housing Market

(cross posted at Risk and Return)
Paper Economy has taken a close look at what it will take to get inflation adjusted housing prices in Massachusetts back to trend over a five year period. It should be noted that for this to happen sooner the decline would have to be deeper (due to inflation doing less [...]

Globalization: By Don Boudreaux

(Cross posted at Risk and Return)

Cafe Hayek fans take note, it is finally out. Short review from Tyler Cowen:
This is the best popular book explaining the benefits of international trade. Imagine Bastiat for 2008, or a Cajun updating of Henry George’s Protection or Free Trade. Sadly it is expensive but I’d sooner give [...]

Changes, Changes: A Welcome To Our New Conjecturers!

They come whether we want them to or not. I should have done this yesterday, but the wife wanted to go to New Orleans. Wife, New Orleans, beer and raw oysters on the balcony of the French Market Restaurant, a visit to the Erin Rose (picture at left, listened to the Flogging Molly’s and the [...]

The Glenn Greenwald Carnival of Fisking has some new entries

First, let us all go and see Eric Scheie delve into the sock drawer and how the moth eaten brain now, amongst all the other charges, believes Glenn Reynolds is a racist! The puppy blending, mass murder and nuclear holocaust desiring, homophobic racist known as Instapundit has an able defender in Eric, but let us [...]

The Constant Viewer has resurfaced

One of my favorite bloggers has resurfaced, and I am hurt, hurt, hurt that D. A. Ridgely didn’t let his fans (okay, me) know to where he had disappeared. He is now blogging at Positive Liberty, and the blogosphere has now gone from diminished by his absence to a place where civil, insightful cultural and [...]

Venezuela’s coming Kristallnacht

McQ points us to a new, if all too familiar, turn the ugly situation in Venezuela is taking:
Venezuelan Jews, long uneasy with the Chávez government’s alliances with Iran and other Middle Eastern countries that espouse anti-Israel views, are concerned that the government is sponsoring anti-Semitism in this hemisphere, a prominent journalist said Tuesday.
”The situation we [...]

How has Palestinan opinion evolved?

Stealing from Harry’s Place we find these fairly encouraging results:
Here’s the results of last November’s polling amongst Palestinians:
Support or opposition to a peace settlement with Israel
Support 72%
Oppose 25.5%
Support or opposition to the Palestinian participation in the peace conference that will be held at the end of the month.
Support 71%
Oppose 26.5%
Should Hamas maintain its position [...]

My Next Project

We have a number of things in the works over the next few days here at A Second Hand Conjecture. We will let you know more over the next couple of days. I can only say I am extremely excited.
That is my picture, the scruffy 40+ year old, beer drinking, female ogling, punk/alt rock loving, [...]

Favorite Bridges

Here is one list of 18. Frankly I find these stunning, especially the Millau Bridge. It makes me wonder what we might someday be able to do to truly take advantage of the Mississippi, and unite both banks, here in Baton Rouge.

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Apple Reshapes Another Industry

A fascinating look at the development of the iPhone and its impact upon the structure of the telecom industry. More than being a snazzy and popular device, the iPhone has changed how the relationship between players in the telecom industry works. There are long term economic, and yes, investment ramifications in this change.

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Baton Rouge’s Downtown Jewel

From The Baton Rouge Business Report we learn that one of the key linchpins in Baton Rouge’s rapid progress in revitalizing the downtown, the Shaw Center for the Arts, has been recognized by The American Institute of Architects:

The Shaw building is among 28 projects chosen from 800 entries for the award. Winners were recognized for [...]

Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning

Echoing a wonderful discussion we had in the fall of 2006 on the nature of Fascism (see here, here and here) Jonah Goldberg writes a book which bristles at the use of the term by the contemporary left. I would really be interested in picking that discussion back up. So anybody interested, please read the [...]

National Champs Again!

Debate? They have to be kidding.
Geaux Tigers

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Private Infrastructure

Over at the Wall Street Journal’s Wealth Report, Robert Frank notes:
Government outlays on physical infrastructure have declined to 2.7 percent of the gross domestic product, he says, from 3.6 percent in the 1960s. Philanthropic giving, in contrast, has jumped to nearly 2.5 percent of GDP.
This leads him to wonder:
With privatization all the rage, why not [...]

Comment problems- NOW FIXED!

We are having some technical problems on the site, including comments. When you leave a comment it gives you an error message. Ignore that, and come back to the site. The comment will post. Hopefully we will clear this up quickly.
Problem found thanks to Peter Jackson. Many thanks from us all.

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Hillary gets Cadillac Tight

Blog friend Joe Tobacco endorses Hillary for President. Probably my pick from the Democrats as well, though I am still looking.

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Thompson: A Real Bartlet Man

Speaking of Thompson, his sense of humor (which seemed absent after wonderfully wicked pre-campaign bits such as this) is really starting to come out. I love his response to the AP’s question about the candidates favorite President from the other party. Predictably the Democrat’s all chose Teddy Roosevelt, the Republicans leaned toward Truman. Fred steps [...]

The Thompson Surge!-Updated

According to Matt Lewis:
Anyone watching Iowa had better not write Fred Thompson off just yet …
Matt points me to this column:
But after a sluggish start, Thompson has sensed an opening in Iowa, and he’s moving decisively to exploit it. The opening arises from a combination of Romney’s changes of position on social issues and Huckabee’s [...]


I was sent this via my brother from my uncle Pat, a Green Beret (COL Rtd., Army S.F.) It is from the Superintendent of West Point, sent to all cadets following the Army Navy game this year:
I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a [...]

Firefox Tip

This seems to have really improved the speed at which I browse:
Speed up Firefox. If you have a broadband connection, you can speed up your page loads. This allows Firefox to load multiple things on a page instead of one at a time. By default, it’s optimized for dialup connections (why??). Here is what [...]

Taxation Myths

To hear many a commenter talk or write one would believe that over the last thirty years, and especially the last seven, the tax burden has become increasingly tilted in favor of the wealthy. Greg Mankiw begs to differ, and here is the data:
The first number below is for 2005, the most recent year available. [...]

Our Arrogant Overlords

As a few of you may be aware, we fans of the LSU Tigers have been blessed with our second chance this decade to watch our beloved football team compete for the BCS Championship. This has led to an enormous demand for the few precious seats available. One small reason so few seats are available [...]

The Campaign Really Begins: Real heavyweights have entered the building

Thank’s Billy!

Technorati Tags: politics, election 2008,   presidential election, Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche, political ads

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None of your business

McQ discusses Krauthammer’s disgust over the Republican Party and its candidates stooping before those demanding a declaration of religious faith to become President. From Krauthammer:
I’d thought that the limits of professed public piety had already been achieved during the Republican CNN/YouTube debate when some squirrelly looking guy held up a Bible and asked, “Do you [...]

A Geography Test

I have pulled myself out of my work and other issues and feel I need to post something. So I found this fun. Only tried it once so far, but let me know how you do.

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A new Submission!

To Glenn Greenwald’s Carnival of Fisking. Courtesy of Dan Collins you can amuse yourself here.
Hat tip: Frequent commenter, ChrisB.

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Happy Repeal Day!

For information on Repeal Day you can visit
The turn of the twentieth century was a dark time in America. The Women’s Christian Temperance Union, which had been promoting Prohibition for many years, believed alcohol was the cause of many, if not all, social ills. Mistruths like this were spread. Lines were drawn. Bars [...]

Hugo Chavez: Genius!

From E. Frank Stephenson:
From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez thinks it’s curtains for America as a world power. “By the crash of the dollar,” he says, “America’s empire will crash.”Tyler Cowen’s suggestion that currencies are not markers of economic success notwithstanding, I hope Chavez’s theory that declining currencies signal the end of regimes [...]

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