After the “Last Chance”
Lee on Mar 02 2008 at 6:07 am | Filed under: Around the Web
You’ve probably noticed that the catchphrase “last chance” (often in all caps) conspicuously appears again and again in the arguments of many Ronpaulists. Indeed, the phrase is repeated by them almost as frequently as Ronpaul’s name itself, as a kind of bludgeoning mantra. For instance: “Dr. Ron Paul is America’s LAST CHANCE against the Illuminati and CFR shadow government!” After seeing the phrase a couple of times, you may have wondered what exactly comes next on the Ronpaulist agenda, now that their last chance has been rejected by the public. Well, I found one possible answer in a graphic over at the Economic Populist Forum. Here’s a still of the relevant slide:
8 Responses to “After the “Last Chance””
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Well, there is the possibility that this is the last chance to end an evidently endless war in that bloody cesspool between Palestine and Pakistan and to put a stop to the baseless fiat money being cranked out by the U.S. Treasury (under orders by a private corporation — the Federal Reserve ). Hillary and Obama will just let things get worse. Worst case scenario:Crazy war-hungry McCain and his Zionut pal, Lieberman, take over the White House. This immediately followed by a war against the latest enemy: Iran (other enemies of freedom to follow). We go broke (100 zillion dollars needed), the dollar is replaced by the Euro, and Russia gets back into the game. The U.S., with unsecured borders becomes a third world nation. Of course, amid all this, there will be an increasing governmental scruntiny of suspected “terrorists” — and those who are deemed such, without judicial oversight, are water boarded and so proven to be “terrorists”. Much of this is already in place, and the rest is on the way. Don’t believe it? Well, I do hope I’m wrong… as I also live in the U.S.
Ah, nearly forgot to mention that McCain has suggested that the internet might be a veritable haven for terrorists, and so it should be kept under surveillance. Hope you are around to prove me wrong (this is the reason, by the way, that the computer world, along with outfits like Google, send money to Paul — but you hold on to yours… in time it might be worth its weight in paper.
Some bits of truth surrounded by abject nonsense. How typical.
Yes, the Federal Reserve is pursuing inflationary policies which will likely come back to haunt us. No, we are not talking hyperinflation. Nor is it even remotely likely we will end up there. Third world nation? For all my bearish outlook, let us not veer off into nutter land please.
Unsecured borders? Maybe an issue, though I love the nativist sentiment. Let me let you in on a little secret, you may not like all those third world types crossing over, but the idea that they will if we are in economic collapse is the kind of quaint, contradictory nonsense that has unfortunately not completely discredited the racist nutjobs of the past. Get a clue, the average Mexican border crosser is smarter than that.
As for the endless new wars, that has been predicted time and time again, especially with Iran. So far, still ridiculous and still not coming true. Hold on though, eventually we are sure to go to war with somebody, for some reason, and you can claim you foresaw it. Heck, Iran may do something for which we should go to war, and I am sure you and racist, conspiracy mongering idiots like Lewellen Rockwell can, as always, blame it on us.
Other enemies of Freedom? Your sarcasm is frankly disgusting. What we should do about enemies of freedom is certainly open for debate, acting as if they are not enemies of freedom is downright disgusting. From a crowd that has lionized the misunderstood Putin and Milosovic we should unfortunately expect nothing more.
Finally, the idea that electing Ron Paul would end war in the Middle East frankly smacks of millennialist messianism. Not sure that even Ron Paul believes that, but hey, he is our last chance for something.
I’m curious about the “abject nonsense”. Yes, we agree that the Fed Reserve is “pursuing inflationary policies which will come back to haunt us.” Third World Nation? Have you been to Europe lately? I tell you, now that the Euro runs 1.50 to the dollar (about 5 years ago it was less than the dollar), now that oil is going beyond $100 a barrel (here we might think about cars like they had in East Germany — not many and ran on charcoal). When all the people who cannot pay their mortgages (10% of new homeowners?) are looking for work that doesn’t exist (it is already that way in upper Michigan), and when the old folks home will be worthless after they pass away (reverse mortgage) and so the next generation is left without any inheritance, and the Fed keeps printing fiat money, well, 3rd world? uh, close enough — perhaps 2nd world? As to the endless new wars… we have been in this last one for many years, and there are more on the immediate horizon. We just decided to spend 40-50 billion on “air-tankers” — an already-obsolete relic of WW2 thinking (being the “Number 1″ militarist nation is very important — shall we ignore the over 500 homicides a year in Philadelphia and its thousands of homeless?) The war?, well not “endless”, but it will be long — even McCain has pegged the war at a century. Of course, we will wait before we pull out of the cesspool until everything is peaceful over there, but it likely won’t be peaceful until we let the people there settle their own affairs… and we settle ours (motto: You don’t bother me, I don’t bother you). Not to worry about Israel, it has 300 or so nukes, a good air force,and a big army (4th in the world?). But I doubt if there ever will be peace in that religious hot house… See the Book of Joshua , Ch.6. for the first Holocaust. They haven’t stopped fighting since. Now, I don’t think you meant that I was a “racist conspiracy mongering idiot”did you? If so, a bit insulting. Would you say that to my face? I doubt it. Anyhow, I don’t see the simple denial of what I said as a logical refutation… nor is insult an argument. My “sarcasm is frankly disgusting”… Now, I have not, nor has Ron Paul, “lionized the misunderstood (your sarcasm?) Putin and Milosovic…” Question: Why are you so angry? Its not good for you nervous system. So, in any case, good luck with angry McCain in the White House — let’s hope he doesn’t have to resort to the draft. I’m too old… unless, of course, the many enemies of freedom invade the U.S.
First of all, I have been writing on the economic problems you list for quite some time. The housing bubble, the decline of the dollar, inflation, etc. Nothing new for me, in fact, since I expected what we are now experiencing I am making money off of it. So, no need to rehash the obvious.
However none of that is as severe as what Japan has faced over the last two decades, and as bad as it has been Japan is nowhere near a third world economy, nor a second world one. Nor will we. That is the difference between clear eyed analysis and going off the deep end.
“Fed keeps printing fiat money”
Ah, a gold bug. Look, gold has little intrinsic value. It is valued for the same reason we value dollars, because we choose to. For the most part it has no more intrinsic value than “fiat currency.” It’s main virtue is that it’s supply is limited.
Also, where is all this money the fed has been printing? Seriously, do you have any idea what you are talking about? Because I promise you, Paul doesn’t, nor his friends at the Mises institute. Check out the data, the monetary base hasn’t hardly grown at all, nor has the fed been printing currency, nor have they provided any appreciable liquidity despite Wall Street acting as if they have. Go to the fed and look at the numbers yourself, they have barely moved the needle.
“even McCain has pegged the war at a century”
No he hasn’t, and since when have you read me praising McCain? The question is the nutty take of Paul supporters, not McCain’s wisdom. The rest of your rant on the Middle East is incoherent, but it hardly demonstrates that the Middle East will be peaceful if we just leave.
“Now, I don’t think you meant that I was a “racist conspiracy mongering idiot”did you? If so, a bit insulting. Would you say that to my face? I doubt it.”
Actually I would, but if you read what I wrote I said that about Lewellen, not you. You choose to associate yourself with them, and mouth the talking points, I’ll let you decide if that is the company you really want to keep. Nor does your offense answer my point of the contradiction of your statement. I did say I loved the nativist sentiment, all those third worlders coming over the unsecured border and turning us into some kind of Mexican favela. That is not a simple denial. Pointing out a logical contradiction is a form of argument. In addition, I didn’t deny that our borders were unsecured, just that it was somehow a threat because it would make us more “third worldish.” It may pose a security threat, it may be an expensive drain on our treasury, but the nativist sentiment is quite unfortunate.
“Now, I have not, nor has Ron Paul, “lionized the misunderstood (your sarcasm?) Putin and Milosovic…””
I said from the “crowd,” as in the Mises Institute, Rockwell, Raimondo clique which Paul shares his general world view with. They have, and worse. You have shown yourself to be part of that crowd, even if you do not view them as victims of US policy personally.
“Why are you so angry?”
Uh, what makes you think I am. Pointing out that you are mouthing the talking points of paranoid, nativist conspiracy theorists hardly means I am angry. What you mean is you don’t like the news, and assume it must come from strong emotion. I assure you it does not. The news is just unpleasant for you to hear. You have been taken in by near nutcases, including people who are economic simpletons and have spent their entire lives predicting economic armageddon. Guess what, it still isn’t here, and despite this in some ways being the most dangerous economic situation our country has faced since the great depression, armageddon will not arrive for them this time either.
They are a disgrace to the memory of those they profess to admire, including Mises and Hayek. I suggest you rethink your association with them, and Ron Paul, given all we have found out about a man who I once voted for.
Well, clearly there is now no chance at all for Ronpaul to win the Republican nomination and be elected president therefrom. Since he has pledged not to run as an independent under any circumstances, the question is now no longer whether there is a last chance, but what you will do now that there isn’t.
Do you agree with your fellow Ronpaulist above that violently overthrowing the government of the United States with an armed revolt, and imposing Ronpaul’s ideology on the country by force, is now the only possible next step?
“Pointing out that you are mouthing the talking points of paranoid, nativist conspiracy theorists hardly means I am angry.” Oh, sorry, obviously not angry… should I be? As to Mises, Hayek, Roepke, Rothbard, etc. Well, I do know a bit about them — and I do greatly admire them. Ah, and as to the ironic Lee… what romantic wit! An “armed revolt”? Oh, dear Sir, have pity on Les Miserables! Ah, by the way, as this will be my last note, I would like to conclude by saying that I hope your optimistic views will be proven correct. Perhaps they will be, but then again, since I’ve fallen under the dark spell of paranoid conspiracy theorists, you will understand my doubts.
You’ve said yourself that we’ve faced a “last chance.” Now that the chance has come and gone, what next? I’m serious. All of you chaps use this apocalyptic rhetoric. At least the revolutionary psychopath above has thought ahead far enough to develop an opinion on what his next step ought to be. As he has it, an armed revolt.
If for you it’s not armed revolt, what then? The next election? Then it was hardly the last chance afterall. Suicide? Emigration? What’s an earnest Ronpaulist to do after the last chance? I’ll remind you in your appeal for irony, this rhetoric is yours not mine. It’s up to you to explain what exactly you mean by it.
Exactly, they throw out the rhetoric and then look askance when the rhetorics implications are noted.
Heck, you ask for some evidence that the fed is printing huge amounts of fiat money, crickets chirp.