Unintended Consequences???

Not content with undermining the Presidents role as command-in-chief, it looks like some in Congress want to be Secretary of State too…


Calling upon the President to ensure that the foreign policy of the United States reflects appropriate understanding and sensitivity concerning issues related to human rights, ethnic cleansing, and genocide documented in the United States record relating to the Armenian Genocide, and for other purposes.

So, what could possibly happen with such a seemingly innocuous bill…

Oh, just pissing off our trusted ally Turkey…


Officials said passage of the resolution would significantly weaken pro-American circles in Ankara and strengthen Islamic forces loyal to Prime Minister Recep Erdogan.

Administration officials hope to block the resolution that deems the Turkish killing of Armenians in 1915 as genocide. Turkey has warned that such a resolution would harm relations with Washington.

“Turkey provides extensive logistic support to our troops in Iraq,” Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Fried said. “This critical lifeline includes the cargo hub at Incirlik air base through which we ship 74 percent of our air cargo to Iraq.”

In testimony to the House International Relations subcommittee on Europe on March 15, Fried warned of Turkish retaliation for the Armenian genocide resolution. He said one prospect was that Ankara would expel the U.S. military from Incirlik, located in southern Turkey.

“They could, for example, shut down or curtail operations at Incirlik,” Fried said. “They could slow down traffic at the Habour gate [along the Iraqi border]. They could restrict our overflight rights. They could do so wholly, they could do so in part.”

The Armenian genocide resolution has been introduced in the House and Senate. The administration has persuaded House leaders to delay any vote until at least late March.

Officials have also warned that Americans could be assaulted in Turkey in response to the resolution. On March 15, the U.S. embassy in Ankara warned Americans to be on alert for demonstrations that could turn violent.

“If, despite the administration’s concerted efforts against this resolution, it makes its way to the floor of the House for debate and a possible vote, there could be a reaction in the form of demonstrations and increased anti-Americanism throughout Turkey,” the embassy said in a warden message.

Hmmm, maybe the consequences aren’t unintended.

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One Response to “Unintended Consequences???”

  1. on 22 Mar 2007 at 4:45 am James E. Fish

    This is the twenty-first century, what purpose can be served by a resolution concerning an atrocity almost a hundred years ago. This is really not about Turkey and the Armenian genocide. It’s an effort by a Democratic controlled Congress to embarrass the President. It fits neatly into the agenda of the “human rights” community and a sop to the United Nations. Since it has no practical effect, this bill really is a turkey.

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