Welcome to the Mainstream Amanda!-Updated

I don’t spend much time at Pandagon, I just breeze through to see what the nuttier parts of the left side of the blogosphere are up to. Of course I have always taken a particular shine to chuckling at Amanda Marcotte, but pointing out she is a nut of a leftist is a little unfair. Mainstream liberals shouldn’t have her or the Democratic Underground held around their necks any more than I want LewRockwell.com, Dr. Gary North, Glenn Greenwald or Mona placed around mine. I may have to rethink that however, given the growing influence of Kos and the hiring of Amanda Marcotte by John Edwards. They may be more mainstream than I thought.

In case you have been living under a rock and not been made aware of this woman’s attempt to make every caricature of the womens studies departments of America look understated you can go to read about what set it off here and a number of choice quotes from her fevered world view on a host of other topics can be found at Dan Riehl’s place, or heck, check out her blog for a few moments.

Of course Amanda is upset at all the attention she is getting (as I am sure her new employer is) and left this odd little statement in the midst of a whining and bizarre defense of her work:

And that’s all I’m going to say on the subject of why if I see the words “Duke” or “lacrosse” in an email that has the whiff of accusatory tone, I’m deleting it and simply not going to reply to it. I have never, ever stated that I think that anyone should go to jail without a proper trial.

Well, that is what she is being accused of, saying they shouldn’t have a trial before being sent to jail. ??? I thought it was about a number of comments which were offensive not just because they flew in the face of the evidence these young men were framed, but also because they were offensive regardless of their guilt or innocence. Not least because the posts assumed they were guilty because, well, let us see her reasons:

In the meantime, I’ve been sort of casually listening to CNN blaring throughout the waiting area and good f**king god is that channel pure evil. For awhile, I had to listen to how the poor dear lacrosse players at Duke are being persecuted just because they held someone down and f**ked her against her will—not rape, of course, because the charges have been thrown out.

I ask you to check out the quote from her defending herself above and juxtapose it with that. The second quote of course cannot be found any longer at Pandagon. Well I guess that doesn’t say they should have no trial, it says they should have a trial and the players should be declared guilty and well, isn’t the rest offensive in and of itself? All the moreso because they are surely not guilty. In Amanda’s world the players are guilty because they are men. “That isn’t what she is saying!” It isn’t? Let us look at another snippet:

There’s just something about this Duke rape case that’s inspiring to
rape apologists . . . [Feminists] could certainly come up with a more
efficient method if we wanted to of getting men in jail besides getting
ourselves raped and then raising a fuss as if we had a right not to be

Hmm, I could rest my case but:

Smarty-pants, educated womenz (and one dude who loved the cock) who
have sex with guys who aren’t me raped that stripper at Duke, not a
bunch of overly entitled rich white boys making cracks about picking

Okay, I should amend my statement. They are guilty because they are rich white boys. That is known and any fair trial would have shown that. She certainly wanted them to have a trial before being convicted of being rich white boys. I guess she is right, she is being picked on.

Go read the rest and ponder the vicious stereotypes she feeds off of, and the paranoia screaming from every pore.

In her part of the country, both women and black people are seen as subhuman objects to be used and abused by white men.

Welcome to the mainstream Amanda! The Carolinas will love you!

UPDATE: Take a look at Brad Warbiany’s post on his personal experience with Amanda from a couple of years ago. It is an extreme version of what I read even from the Matt Yglesias’ and Kevin Drum’s of the world.
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3 Responses to “Welcome to the Mainstream Amanda!-Updated”

  1. on 07 Feb 2007 at 9:39 pm A Second Hand Conjecture » Welcome to the Mainstream Amanda Part II

    [...] Amanda Marcotte, who I covered earlier, and Melissa McEwan have been fired according to Salon. The Edwards campaign seems to be struggling in general: This isn’t the first Internet-related misstep for the Edwards campaign, which had been making an effort to reach out to the “netroots” but has found its popularity dropping in a straw poll done on the landmark liberal blog Daily Kos. Though he still leads the poll by one point over Sen. Barack Obama, Edwards’ support has dropped nine points in the past three weeks. He has also come under fire in the liberal blogosphere for his statements on Iran and his campaign’s failure to return the calls of supporters and press, and was embarrassed when his Web site mistakenly revealed his candidacy a day before his official announcement in New Orleans. [...]

  2. on 08 Feb 2007 at 7:46 pm A Second Hand Conjecture » Mainstreaming Amanda III

    [...] This makes me rethink that approach. I wasn’t one who called for their firing, but I did question their hiring and its implications, just as I would have questioned Rudy Giuliani hiring Ann. Everybody has faults and positions that bother someone, and that is fair game. Amanda however, if one is to believe her rants, is not a mere potty mouth (baggage sure, but I don’t really care) but that she is an extremist and vicious. In a time when the term extremist gets bandied around all too freely, she fits the bill. If the rhetoric coming from around the left side of the political spectrum is taken at face value, and that someone like Amanda is to the left as Patrick Hynes is to the right, then obviously what is mainstream liberalism is located far from where I have always thought it was. Michael Moore is no funny man whose views we shouldn’t really take seriously, he and Amanda are part of the mainstream now. [...]

  3. on 05 Mar 2007 at 5:00 pm A Second Hand Conjecture » The Southern Accent

    [...] Why does it matter? I don’t know that it does. Maybe one of the reasons it does is that a southern accent is adopted when people want to talk down about someone, as if good english with a southern accent still marks you as “dumb.” I have to admit, the fact that I don’t sound to many people as “southern” helps in many situations. Mind boggling prejudice against southerners still exist: In her part of the country, both women and black people are seen as subhuman objects to be used and abused by white men. [...]

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