Posted by Lance on 06 Jun 2007 at 2:31 am | Tagged as: Lance's Page, Domestic Politics
Type that in to visit the Thompson campaign’s new website, I’m With Fred!. Just the bare bones are up, but my guess is the most new media savvy candidate the Republicans have ever had will have much more shortly. They have an impressive start in making their presence known in new media, and have some good people lined up to help them execute and plan their strategy. I think this will be fun.
Technorati Tags: Fred Thompson, election 2008, Republican, new media
3 Responses to “www.IAmWithFred.com”
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i sure hope you can make a difference,we are pulling for you…
here are some great books with some great talking points
outrage by dick morris
rewriting history by dick morris
condi vs hillary by dick morris
hillarys secret war by richard poe
madame hillary by r. emmett tyrrell, jr
hell to pay by barbra olson
the final days by barbra olson
the vast right wing conspiracys dossier on hillary clinton by amanda b. carpenter(files and contribututors)
high crimes and misdemeaners by ann coulter
unlimited access by gary aldrich
their lives by candice e. jackson
hillarys scheme by carl limbacher
how to destroy a village by jason d. fodeman
the extreme makeover of hillary rodham clinton by bay buchanan
a national party no more by zell miller
the shadow party by david horowitz
sincerly tom chastain